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Who will be the next US president?

  • John McCain

    Votes: 8 7.8%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 80 77.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 14.6%

  • Total voters
some in the far right think that obama is a muslim under cover that will destroy the US from within if he gets elected. :rolleyes:

wasn't he by raised irreligious people? maybe he's a closet (agnostic/atheist). it would be such a dream if he could be one of the greatest US presidents ever, creating a prosperous environment for north america, repairing relations throughout the world and after his term be over, tell everyone "oh, by the way, i don't believe in god".

i guy can dream, can't he? :D

edit---- (atheist running for prime minister of italy)

In 2005, as mayor of Rome, he met in Washington, during a visit to the United States, Illinois Senator Barack Obama[3], being one of his earliest supporters overseas[4]. He also wrote the preface to the Italian edition of The Audacity of Hope in 2007[5].

hmmm. :)
The picture is not racist, the use of the picture in an attempt to cause "fear" in Obama is. The original source has nothing to do with why and for what purpose this picture was distributed for IN THIS CAMPAIGN. It was distributed by a campaign operative now, not to use as a news story, or to show how presidential Obama was, but to cause fear by having people associate Obama with "peoples" that the American public has been wary about (or at least a certain segment of the public). By using a picture in this context it becomes a racist gesture. The Clinton campaign more or less condoned said actions in the way they responded.

I agree, I didn't find it inherently racist. Just political mudslinging. I for one am proud Obama's embracing his roots, as there's nothing wrong with visiting a traditional village and wearing traditional garb when there as a show of solidarity.

IMHO, Obama's the first true composite of a world leader because he represents many facets of the world. I think 9/11 has unfortunately reintroduced the type of 'us' vs. 'them' bigotry not yet seen by my generation. If it takes electing Obama to bring back some social order and decorum- so that we're not spying on our neighbours, but getting to know each other multiculturally- I say bring it on. Obambastic!!

some in the far right think that obama is a muslim under cover that will destroy the US from within if he gets elected.

Well the Far Right can take Texas and the Bible Belt, and let the rest of us heathrens splendour in a xenophobic-free society ;)!
Well the Far Right can take Texas and the Bible Belt, and let the rest of us heathrens splendour in a xenophobic-free society ;)!

is that the same bible belt that jimmy swaggart used to whip that hookers ass in the hotel room?
Who do you support, US?

For those supporting Ron Paul, here are a few of his ideas for reducing terrorism:

Arm Pilots: It is unthinkable to leave pilots defenseless in the cockpit after the events of September 11th. We trust pilots to operate multimillion dollar machines filled with human cargo, yet incredibly we do not trust them with firearms. While airport security certainly can be strengthened, pilots must have the choice to carry weapons as a last line of defense against future hijacking attempts.

Immigration Restrictions: Common sense tells us that we should not currently be admitting aliens from nations that sponsor or harbor terrorists. Remember, only U.S. citizens have constitutional rights; non-citizens are in the country at the discretion of the State department. While we should generally welcome people from around the world whenever possible, we cannot allow potential enemies or terrorists to enter the country now under any circumstances. My legislation would restrict immigration, including the granting of student visas, by individuals from nations listed as terrorist threats by the State department.
Arm Pilots: It is unthinkable to leave pilots defenseless in the cockpit after the events of September 11th. We trust pilots to operate multimillion dollar machines filled with human cargo, yet incredibly we do not trust them with firearms. While airport security certainly can be strengthened, pilots must have the choice to carry weapons as a last line of defense against future hijacking attempts.

I have no problem with armed pilots (as long as they have the proper training), not to mention that they "are the law" in the sky.

Immigration Restrictions: Common sense tells us that we should not currently be admitting aliens from nations that sponsor or harbor terrorists. Remember, only U.S. citizens have constitutional rights; non-citizens are in the country at the discretion of the State department. While we should generally welcome people from around the world whenever possible, we cannot allow potential enemies or terrorists to enter the country now under any circumstances. My legislation would restrict immigration, including the granting of student visas, by individuals from nations listed as terrorist threats by the State department.

Not technically completely true, the courts have extended almost full constitutional rights to legal permanent residents (non-permanent is dependant on the wording of the visa). Not sure if I agree with that statement, I think it is ok to "discriminate" (since that is there job) based on statistical data on who weighting of where you are coming from vs. where people came from before and how well they integrated. Just because a state is involved in terrorism does not mean that the people that immigrated from that country have a history of terrorist activity in the United States. The diversification lottery (if it is kept) is non-discriminatory (with the exception of whether that country has exceeded its max number of other immigrants) - and thus by it's very nature should not therefore be used to discriminate against a given nation if the people that immigrated have not been problematic.
Arm Pilots

and leg them too.

It is unthinkable to leave pilots defenseless in the cockpit

maybe chastity belts could help? but i don't see a problem unless your walking backwards with your cockpit exposed and someones penis is hanging out and erect. pants should suffice.
Pretty much everybody agrees that improving the image of the United States in the Middle East is the best way to fight terrorism. Traditionally, one of the most effective ways of doing that is to educate people in the United States so that they have a positive view of the country when they return. I daresay that denying ordinary people from most of the Middle East even a student visa is not the way to beat terrorism.
I differ from RuPaul on the issue of armed pilots. I think the auto pilots should be armed - after all, if they can be trusted to control the roll, pitch and yaw axis then surely they ought to be trusted to control the evil axis as well?
as much as i hate to agree with bush on anything, the extremists causing the problems do hate freedom. they want everyone else to live by their standards and want to impose their beliefs on others. of course, in a prosperous society less people are likely to turn to extremism because there are better things to do like fiddle with ipods and text your BFF but that might not always work. the 9/11 hijackers were mostly educated and well off. a democracy is only as good as it's population. democracy only works well with a population that is educated and well versed in logic, etc. it's the con-full superstition that has a stranglehold on everything.

exposing the islamic verson of US televangelists in those nations as frauds and quacks would go a long way. the world gets fucked up when a few people do all the thinking for everyone else.
I just realized that I'm not sure why I even care who becomes President of the US anymore. LOL
What do you think would be the reaction in the USA if Obama, upon being elected President requests both a Bible AND a Koran during the swearing in speech as part of his plan to reach out and connect with his Hussein side?

Not gonna happen, but what do you think the reaction would be?
How about a President who finally decides to not swear on any religious symbol? That would be refreshing.
