W. K. Lis
Maybe with OneCity, they'll finally actually do something with the Union Station streetcar loop? So many plans, but nothing happening.
Isn't this loop the reason why the Waterfront East LRT is so expensive?
I've always hated this plan. More pedestrians at Union can only make things worse. They should continue the streetcar tunnel north under the subway line emerging from a portal between Wellington and King. Continuing the line up Bay and looping around old city hall would get a lot more people closer to where they want to go instead of dumping them in a pit under Union with squealing rail wheels negotiating a tight turn. You would think tunneling under 2 rail lines would be cheaper then tunneling under 16.
That's a pretty interesting idea. It would be kind of neat to see the line actually end at Queen Station, using the old streetcar platform below. Tunnel up Bay, make the turn at Queen, and then have a crossover into Lower Queen. Build a new underground station somewhere around Adelaide too.
Just throwing that out there. I do agree though that having a streetcar line that ran past Union would definitely take some of the pressure off Union.
I hate this plan and have done since I first saw the drawings. Hate it hate it hate it. It's going to be a poison pill for Queens Quay East if TTC insist on the loop expansion as a prerequisite (rather than introducing alternative service from downtown to the Ex/Ferry Docks/Island Airport to allow 509/510 to reduce enough to make QQE work).
I'd rip out the existing streetcar tunnel and replace it with an APM like Heathrow T5 (Bombardier Innovia 200 with platform doors; platforms at Union/ACC South/Queens Quay/Ferry Docks with some/most/all trains skipping ACC South/Ferry Dock depending on time of day), and through surface running on Queens Quay west to east.
Failing that I'd order a subfleet of double side double end streetcars, put a crossover in north of Queens Quay and then rip the whole thing out at Union and put 3-4 terminal tracks in there. I'd also institute a frequent bus service from Eireann Quay to York/Richmond/Simcoe along the ROW to reduce taxi demand but also serve the condos and the new commercial buildings south of the rail lands - would also get transit a bit closer to CN Tower/Skydome without getting too disrupted by events at the latter. At present the QQLRT skirts the demand (almost 50% of its catchment is water)
Extending the tunnel up Bay is a non-runner - has to pass the subway and all the sewers etc. already relocated for the 2nd Platform Project, plus the PATH.
I don't know, but I suspect there was an aversion to having two fleets not withstanding that a "subfleet" in Toronto would be the size of a full fleet elsewhere. Perhaps the need for a trolley pole in the interim period was a consideration, whereas the uptown lines will be all-pantograph from day one.I agree with you about the double-ended streetcars. Did the TTC consider a subfleet when it first built the Harbourfront line? It could have saved a lot of hassle with the Union loop (and later the Spadina loop).