Senior Member
We're still playing catch-up from the disasterous idea that the number of doctors drives the overall health care budget, and that spending growth can be kept in check by cutting enrollment at medical schools.
He goes on to report that the insurance companies are spending upwards of one and a half million dollars a day to fight Obama's plan.
Last night Keith Olbermann on MSNBC dropped a bomb of a report on how Congress Members are being "influenced" by the Insurance Companies, drug companies etc. and he goes on record to "name names". Equally explosive was that the Town Hall objectors against Obama's Health Care initiative are people hired by the insurance companies and are moved from one location to another with a prepared manual on how to disrupt Town Hall meetings. He goes on to report that the insurance companies are spending upwards of one and a half million dollars a day to fight Obama's plan.
Its worth noting the US has a shortage of primary care physicians as well, so we know the system of funding isn't the cause of the lack of docs.
I'm doubtful health reform will help encourage more primary care physicians as Canada also faces a shortage, but its interesting both nations face a lack of primary care physicians.
Last night Keith Olbermann on MSNBC dropped a bomb of a report on how Congress Members are being "influenced" by the Insurance Companies, drug companies etc. and he goes on record to "name names". Equally explosive was that the Town Hall objectors against Obama's Health Care initiative are people hired by the insurance companies and are moved from one location to another with a prepared manual on how to disrupt Town Hall meetings. He goes on to report that the insurance companies are spending upwards of one and a half million dollars a day to fight Obama's plan.
Here's a link to the opening of Olbermann's one-hour show last night. The show continues by clicking on the smaller windows to the left of the main video window. This is really worth a watch.
Now to see if the Senate approves it...
And unfortunately they won't even get something resembling universal health care out of it.That's the next battle, the big battle.