Here are some better pictures and it looks like they are digging bellow the water table and or the rain has been draining into the holes. By the looks of it the holes with the water are atleast one meter deep.

Rikk.... thanks so much for the great pics. It sure is helpful having someone close enough to document progress..... much appreciated :) diane
Thanks Rikk for the posting the pics.... It must be nice for all of us to say we're proud owners of a big @ss hole in the ground. Looking forward for when we start shifting into something.
I wish they'd made it October 2012....then they'd have to give me my money back, because it would be past the contract deadlines.

You "may" just get your wish ... judging from the pace of progress on site, I kind of wonder (doubt) the first tower will be ready for occupany by September 2012 (even when it is only 14 storeys)
Anyone selling their phase 1 assignment?

Hello all,

I am interested in purchasing a phase 1 unit on assignment. I am interested in a 1 bed - 2 bed suite, but a large preference give to an open concept 1+1 bed floor plan.

I know this project has been dragging on without any light at the end of the tunnel.

If would would like to cash out your profits now and move on, please e-mail me the details of your suite (purchase price, deposit paid, suite type, floor, exposure, parking, storage, assignment fee stated on your contract, etc.) and we can go from there.

Please note that this is for my personal use, I am not an investor. Just an everyday joe like yourself. :)

Please e-mail me at if you are interested, I am pretty new to condo assignments myself, but have references to a good real estate lawyer that works on these type of transactions daily.

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

You "may" just get your wish ... judging from the pace of progress on site, I kind of wonder (doubt) the first tower will be ready for occupany by September 2012 (even when it is only 14 storeys)

I agree.......there is no reason for this slow pace.......looks like a stall to me. How long does it really take to excavate the small area of this site.....with one machine going I can see where this is going and that no place fast
Rikk, is there literally nothing happening on the site on a daily basis, or is it just really slow? I was sure things would pick up, and they seemed to be going so well...
Rikk, is there literally nothing happening on the site on a daily basis, or is it just really slow? I was sure things would pick up, and they seemed to be going so well...

Well I have been watching everyday LOL.....kinda sucks to be so close...

But on a positive note, they have been active everyday and there has been progress. The excavation has been continous and the site has gotten cleaned up while teh area where the excavation is has become large, and they have gotten to the clay bed. So there is movement but it just seems very slow.

There was a large pile of concret that was on site and has just been removed and it must have been a hundred tones, it took them three days to remove it.
so does anyone know what the status of phase 2 is? is it going to be built at the same time as phase 1? what does it look like from the digging?

contract for phase 2 states an occupancy date of december 2012 which can be delayed until december 2013.
thanks Rikk. At least SOMETHING is happening on the site. but I really thought they would go full force through the summer. Hope it picks up soon.

I don't know if they're doing phase 2 at the same time, but when i visited the site a few weeks ago the entire area looked like it was being excavated, including the phase 2 site, so maybe thats a good sign?
thanks Rikk. At least SOMETHING is happening on the site. but I really thought they would go full force through the summer. Hope it picks up soon.

I don't know if they're doing phase 2 at the same time, but when i visited the site a few weeks ago the entire area looked like it was being excavated, including the phase 2 site, so maybe thats a good sign?

I just got home now and had a very fast look.....they are tying in the sewage pipe for the underground into the existing one, also the excavator on site is now digging deeper and I thought they would be done but now I am wounder how far are they going...

also to note TMG has now posted the project on their website.

I know it is slow....but now they are doing something...hang in there everyone...we are making money on this!


Can someone please tell me the exact location of the site? I've driven round and round the dupont and landsdown area and cant see the site? I don't know if I'm not driving far enough south, or what the deal is...but some help in exact location would be gr8!
If you drive south on landsdowne past dupont turn into the existing building where the dollorama is and you'll be able to get a good view from there
