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Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Starbucks is indeed where we ended up - a couple of the singers came in later so we had a short chat to them. My baritone friend bemoaned the fact that in Vienna or London we'd have abundant choices of post-concert eateries.

I hear the Ring was 99% sold out.
Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

They had sold out signs up for Die Walkyrie. I didn't notice them for any others, though there were few empty seats.
Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Was there any booing at your Ring? Or had the nasty Europeans all left by then? Most of it was reserved for Die Walkure when I went.
Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

There was no booing.

There seemed to be a lot of Germans in the house - or perhaps students from the Gothe Institut had organized an outing.
Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Went for walkies after lunch. On a whim, I bought a ticket to The Magic Flute - the matinee they added on Sunday 26th. After all that Ring, and no surtitles at Opera In Concert, I deserve to hear something sung in English for a change.
Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

I've seen it twice in the last year already - once with the Ensemble Studio in December, and then again with Kenneth Branaghs movie at the festival, all set in WWI Flanders.
Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

I didn't go to the Ensemble Studio production. I'd be interested in hearing how you find the Opera Atelier one compares.

I got the last front row balcony seat, so can drop popcorn on people.
Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

The budget will be larger, and there will be mincing and prancing by shirtless boys in tights.

I thought the ensemble studio production was v.v. good. It was an excellent example of how you can have a good production on a limited budget if you have a good designer.
Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Yaaay for good design!

Yes, I know there will be mincing and prancing by shirtless boys in tights, but I'm more interested in what happens up on stage.
Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

There will be very stylized movement by everyone. The singing and music will be first rate. The sets will be some combination of the flats they have already, because that's how they did it in the 18th century. I suspect the Queen of the Night will descend, deus ex machina, surrounded by fire, on a cloud.
Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Maybe the same one they used in Persee last year?

I'd love to descend in a cloud ... to greet guests at my next party!

Indeed, there was until recently a hole in my living room ceiling, and a hole in the bedroom wall above it, that could have been enlarged to accommodate the pulleys, winches and gilt rococo gondola required to achieve the effect had it occurred to me to do so.
Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Yes, probably. I think they only have two cloud type things on which gods may descend.

I see you with a trident, in a conveyance not at all unlike the State Coach, all tritons and shells and palm trees.
Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Yes, a trident like Britannia's. And a small orchestra playing the Water Music while I slowly descend to greet the gay forum members. Perhaps a winged FutureMayor - spraypainted gold, wearing a little loincloth, holding a trumpet to his mouth - perched on the prow.

And you'd be recumbent in a glorious Doge's Barge, with a great helmsman at the tiller and a galley full of big strong lads pulling rhythmically for the shore, I think ...
Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Ready to row me out into the habour yearly so I can drop my wedding ring into the lake...
