I agree they have to come up with a consistent brand it is as if no one has taken ownership of the transit system. Hopefully the new regional transit authority will do just that. That old logo would work well but blue has to go as it does not stand out a more distinctive colour such as red, yellow, orange or at the risk of offending someone’s sensibilities sea foam would work.
Maybe not a bad idea to play around with colour a bit more. Say, different colours for different lines, or maybe a more distinct colour for the LRT or Churchill as it hosts several lines.
I'm guessing that this building MAY get demolished since I don't see any purpose for it other than blocking pedestrians from the LRT. The Liquor on 96 shop is its neighbor but is a powder keg waiting to explode if you ask me.

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I don't know what the building is used for (if anything currently), but it might be a good spot for say a convenience store, take out food or something like that.

We are not used to tight urban spaces here, but given it is a smaller stop, it is probably manageable.

Of course, it might also depend on the condition of the building and whether someone is brave enough to start a business in this area. I am thinking at least rent is probably more affordable in this area.
Yeah, I fear this stop won’t be well utilized. And with the recent momentum around 123st, going north of 104th with ID2 and Stantionlands. Then the whole warehouse park and those developments. I just don’t see the absorption for 5-8 more projects in this area in the next decade.
^^^ Speaking of runoff, TransEd will be installing a proper drainage system soon around the paths in the bridge area. It's been a challenging winter of course and lots of water issues in that area. Today there was a pretty good stream running down the path. At times, mini waterfalls off the train deck. A little fine-tuning will handle all that.
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