Wondering if the city could run a partial service from Bonny Doon to the DT while they fix the cracks in the pillars at Davies Station?
I've wondered that. They could get additional cars over by trucking them. Metrolinx did this for one of their LRT projects in Toronto. A portion of the line was ready for testing so they trucked cars to it since the middle section of the line wasn't ready yet. They could just run it as a randomish service. Maybe even weekends only. But, then you have maintenance. Daily cleanings, and then items like scheduled/ preventative maintenance, and then there's still the risk of a major issue that you then need to truck the car back to Gerry Wright. Despite the temperatures, the reality is that winter isn't too far off. There would be the matter of storing the cars during cold temperatures. #1001 was stored outside for at least 1 winter, maybe more and they had to build a shed for it with a wood frame and plastic sheeting. Not ideal, and the car was returned to Bombardier for an unknown reason after the last car was delivered. On top of that, for the public to use the line, even for an informal service, there will probably need to be a lot of signoffs that the City might be prepared to do without the entire line available.
Some of these problems still apply to to the two stranded cars, but, at least if they're only in testing/ training/ practice use it doesn't affect the public if the cars run or not.

In other news... traction power is off with grounding cables installed north of 51 Ave (not a surprise as that leads to the elevated section), but also to the yard leads at least, if not the whole Gerry Wright facility. That would explain why I haven't seen/ heard any LRV's down the south the last little while.
Looking at page 9 of this thread, it looks like the piers were constructed in the summer of 2017.
Stopped by Davies tonight to check it out, sorry not great pics.
So they’ve had all summer to complete the landscaping. Yet, the on/off ramps from 75th to and from the WM are still not complete…..mounds of dirt are there. Yet not spread nor has any subsequent hydro-see been added
I think landscaping is one of the last items, but I do hope that TransEd gets these small details done.
Agreed that landscaping is a low priority but honestly there is no reason it can't be finished this year. Based off of what I've seen landscaping is being handled/subcontracted by Classic Landscaping.
