Developer: City of Edmonton, TransEd Partners
Address: Stony Plain Rd, 149th street, Edmonton, Canada
Category: Transit
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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That's what I read too. I don't know why they chose to work south of the Whitemud first.
They didn't. They started up north and then they have on and off been working south of the Whitemud. The amount of work I have seen in Mill Woods doesn't seem to be the same amount as up north. Maybe less issues in Mill Woods? They previously spent a lot of time in Mill Woods on other cable issues. Recall as well, that they were planning to do Mill Woods once the line was running. Certainly an indication that Mill Woods might have had a reduced scope. They never set up constructions trailers in Mill Woods like they did elsewhere along the line.
I’ll be very surprised if it doesn’t open with some level of service by November.
But the last thing anyone should want is an Ottawa-style situation, where the line opens and then keeps getting shut down to deal with a myriad of problems and deficiencies that weren't ameliorated prior to launch. True, Ottawa's Confederation Line wasn't repeatedly delayed like the Valley Line or Eglinton Line 5, but the constant shutdowns have led to a crisis of confidence in public transit in Ottawa.

Given that trust in public transit in Edmonton has been greatly eroded in recent years due to a number of other issues (crime heading the list), a shutdown-plagued Valley Line would be an unrecoverable disaster for the city. At least while its opening date remains unknown, no one is relying on it the way commuters in Ottawa have been affected by shutdowns on the Confederation Line.
What I don’t get is how this takes so long. I’m all for making sure the thing just works when it finally opens, but how did. they fully build this thing with this many issues out of the gate that its opening had to be pushed back by years? At the rate TransEd is going, they’ve nearly doubled the construction time even though the thing’s already been constructed. It’s ludicrous.
What I don’t get is how this takes so long. I’m all for making sure the thing just works when it finally opens, but how did. they fully build this thing with this many issues out of the gate that its opening had to be pushed back by years? At the rate TransEd is going, they’ve nearly doubled the construction time even though the thing’s already been constructed. It’s ludicrous.
What is most bizarre to me is it's the relatively simpler aspects of the project that they seemingly screwed up. Namely, concrete.
I also notice grounding cables by the trailers at Bonnie Doon. I’m guessing it’s to protect the trailers, but I also wonder if the next stage of testing will take place there.
