Senior Member
"Fiscal concervatives" at work. Again why do they choose such fringe candidates? Sheer, O'Toole and now Polieve. I would consider Steven Harper closer to the middle of the political scale and didn't bring up the same sex marriage debate. Wasn't very kind to immigration or natives, but that's more of a Liberal Agenda. Peter McKay would have been more of a moderate candidate but his close ties with the Harper era didn't do him any favors.If PP gets elected anything can happen. The cons can take this as an excuse to withhold funding for fleet replacement as part of a cost cutting exercise
And even with the concervatives leading in the polls by 8-10 points the campaign tends to bring out the worst in the concervatives. Especially when it comes to indigenous rights, human rights, and immigration as well as healthcare/social services.
Even his stance that all drug addicts need to go to jail I think is misguided. Not everyone who is a drug addict is such on purpose and often it's due to circumstance and homelessness. Someone who gets addicted to oxy because they got into a car accident and broke 5 bones is not a criminal. Painting everyone with the same brush doesnt solve problems.
Anyway concervatives are never popular with the civil service because those are the first to get cut. Unions tend to not endorse blue candidates. Funny that south of the border they endorse Republicans, even though they do nothing for poor people except make them poorer.