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Alright guys, the day is here. Survey is up here.

Theres two videos for each concept here and here

The survey offers more than the renderings do in the amenity section. But I placed both pics here. So it seems like a rough draft general idea.
View attachment 397350
View attachment 397351
I opt for water feature. Make it a fountain, have it light up multicolours. The noise from the water flowing is inviting. Where the building near the fountain is, id rather have a cafe than a washroom there. Washroom somewhere else. A cafe would make it more a inviting gathering space in my opinion.

I think this could have more potential in my opinion. Personally not in love with it. Wheres the tennis court?!
Somehow it seems the pictures are a bit underwhelming, but I realize it might be hard to convey what it will be like in a few pictures. I think having a fountain would be great, but I also think it would be nice to have a more formal park. You know, one that forces the city to do proper maintenance and upkeep.

It is also hard to visualize something that will take years to grow into what it will be. I recall initially looking at Ezio Faraone park and being skeptical, but I think it has turned out well.

I do want to be hopeful that this can meet its potential, but perhaps the kindest thing to say is it is not there yet. So keep on working at it.
I know it's high level, but wow, so far this design doesn't seem particularly inspired. It doesn't feel like there's much creativity put into this. I don't mean to discredit the work of the planners who no doubt must be working hard and it's not to say this is completely terrible or anything, but for such an amazing opportunity to develop a large central park...this is it? It is very early on, but it just feels so...meh.

When I think about some of the great parks I've been able to see in different countries, I imagine things like colourful gardens, historical components unique to that locale, fountains and other water features, art, views, scenery, lighting and safety, public amenities, etc.

So far, all I'm seeing is a slightly more interesting but otherwise standard city park. Basic trail, some trees, patches of grass, some picnic tables, and some small and half baked public amenities. There's not much here that I think, yes, that's where I would like to go out of my way to visit. Decent stop over if you're already passing by maybe, but this is such a prime opportunity to develop something so special right in the core of the city that could attract people from all over the city and be such a draw for visitors. I'm not sensing this type of enthusiasm from the designers, who appear to be simply designing this as just another city park.

Maybe it's not entirely fair to compare, but the Legislature grounds and adjacent parks are so nearby. Why not draw some example from the Ledge and expand upon that?

Sigh, I don't know, maybe I'm off base, but I agree with the sentiment of disappointment. I think my hopes and expectations as to what this was going to be were clearly way off lol. I think this is more of a nice thing for local DT residents and visitors who are already nearby to enjoy and have within walking distance. Which is great, don't get me wrong, but not what I expected when I heard "central park."

Edit: also something I think would be really cool to see: a place for local vendors to set up stalls and sell things like ice cream, refreshing drinks, snacks, etc. to enjoy while walking through the park. That alone would be very appealing for me as I am easily drawn by such things lol.
I would encourage anyone here who wants to know more to attend a pop-up or online event (online event is May 11). My belief is these are pretty high level concepts, to guage some particular issues or design direction before more time is put into detailed design. They have one of the best landscape design consultants in Canada working with them, and of course the City has their own ideas of what they want or don't want but I remain optimistic.

Love all the comments here so far, I have yet to gather all my thoughts, trying to get this info out to residents right away so everyone can have their say.
I think I’m a little confused on the vision/purpose. We have the legislature grounds, river valley, Victoria, Louis McKinney, Alex dec, etc.

What those parks don’t have are places for more organized leisure, child friendly spaces, etc. I expected this to be playground and social spaces heavy. Not walking paths and trees with a few small things on the edges. We don’t need a Central Park oasis when we have the river valley. We need a social place to be with friends and to attract families downtown and to give life to our city.

Parks like this can be beautiful. I’m in London UK right now and so many are like this. But they also have 300+ year old trees, gorgeous buildings around them, and truly are an oasis in the chaos of London. I just don’t think this project should tackle that purpose when that will leave so much still unaccomplished.
I think I’m a little confused on the vision/purpose. We have the legislature grounds, river valley, Victoria, Louis McKinney, Alex dec, etc.

What those parks don’t have are places for more organized leisure, child friendly spaces, etc. I expected this to be playground and social spaces heavy. Not walking paths and trees with a few small things on the edges. We don’t need a Central Park oasis when we have the river valley. We need a social place to be with friends and to attract families downtown and to give life to our city.

Parks like this can be beautiful. I’m in London UK right now and so many are like this. But they also have 300+ year old trees, gorgeous buildings around them, and truly are an oasis in the chaos of London. I just don’t think this project should tackle that purpose when that will leave so much still unaccomplished.
I guess that's why consultations are for. Might want to bring your concerns to them. They might change stuff a bit, who knows.
But, for me, I actually like what I see in this video so far.
Gee-suss... This is essentially Planters and Benches on STEROIDS -- and steroids is relevant here because this is about to become needle-park central. I am with the general feeling here -- what a missed opportunity!!! The whole of the Edmonton City Planning entourage should be fired over this kindergarten-like attempt to direct design in a misguided direction. The only saving grace here is that when the end result is seen to have missed the mark so completely it will be able to be redesigned.

I think I’m a little confused on the vision/purpose. We have the legislature grounds, river valley, Victoria, Louis McKinney, Alex dec, etc.

What those parks don’t have are places for more organized leisure, child friendly spaces, etc. I expected this to be playground and social spaces heavy. Not walking paths and trees with a few small things on the edges. We don’t need a Central Park oasis when we have the river valley. We need a social place to be with friends and to attract families downtown and to give life to our city.

Parks like this can be beautiful. I’m in London UK right now and so many are like this. But they also have 300+ year old trees, gorgeous buildings around them, and truly are an oasis in the chaos of London. I just don’t think this project should tackle that purpose when that will leave so much still unaccomplished.
This is a spot on assessment.
I think I’m a little confused on the vision/purpose. We have the legislature grounds, river valley, Victoria, Louis McKinney, Alex dec, etc.

What those parks don’t have are places for more organized leisure, child friendly spaces, etc. I expected this to be playground and social spaces heavy. Not walking paths and trees with a few small things on the edges. We don’t need a Central Park oasis when we have the river valley. We need a social place to be with friends and to attract families downtown and to give life to our city.

Parks like this can be beautiful. I’m in London UK right now and so many are like this. But they also have 300+ year old trees, gorgeous buildings around them, and truly are an oasis in the chaos of London. I just don’t think this project should tackle that purpose when that will leave so much still unaccomplished.
I agree completely. I do want a little bit of greenery for the local critters, instead of going completely from gravel parking lots to paved space. But there's a difference between having an active park with a bit of landscaping, and a passive park with a bit of active options.
I agree with the assesments I've been reading. This park is no different than any run of the mill park. This is what we need designers for? Damn I could have designed this for a tenth of the cost so far.
We need spaces that people want to use as many have pointed out.
Fountain is a must as a focal point, but active elements like basketball court, playground, maybe skatepark, focal point art installations, etc.
Also I think it would be smart to have some sort of kiosk/info booth/food vendor, etc where the washrooms and pavilion is located to help with more passive security.
