New Member
The first public consultation centre for Phase II to Cambridge is happening on Wednesday and Thursday next week.
Thanks for the link. Very interesting material. Sounds like the region is heavily reconsidering the original routing through the CP Rail Corridor, which would require crossing CP Rail twice.
1. ION LRT vehicles (under construction) cannot easily cross a heavy rail track at grade (height of Overhead Catenary System will not clear a double decker train). Therefore, grade-separation is likely a necessity in the vicinity of Eagle Street and the main CPR rail from Toyota and in a few other areas not anticipated.
2. With the renewed investment in Toyota by senior levels of government, Toyota rail traffic is slated to increase further in the next few years. Therefore, the full impacts on CP rail operations are challenging especially as there will not be any impact accepted to Toyota rail operations. Other rail challenges include traversing Fairway Road to access the CP corridor, sharing CP’s Waterloo Subdivision corridor including property arrangements and track relocation, Transport Canada concerns about new at grade crossings of rail lines with public transit. Transport Canada is not in favor of non-gated and skewed crossings as presently proposed at King Street at Fairway Road and on Eagle Street. An alternative alignment or strategy needs to be pursued to reduce rail operation impact.
The alternate route of running LRT on King St. from Fairway to Eagle makes way more sense, though running up/down the grade at Shantz Hill is probably not possible with the Flexities - anyone know the steepest grade they can handle? Using the existing King St underpass of the 401 seems like a less expensive proposition than a new tunnel.