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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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Bottom line, sign look great, but non existing enforcements just like all signs. What percentage of drivers are caught disobeying these sign?

If you are doing it legal and are stop, only have to show the paperwork to say you were required to be in this area with a good day by the enforcer.

I have a number of truckers in my family tree and some of the stories you hear about signs are laughable, but they follow the requirements of those signs. A number been in these signs areas as they were either making a pickup or drop off and never had an issue. They never been stop period.
With Regent Park being developed I’m seeing a lot of dump trucks rolling through CT’s narrow streets instead of staying on Parliament and Gerrard Sts.
With Regent Park being developed I’m seeing a lot of dump trucks rolling through CT’s narrow streets instead of staying on Parliament and Gerrard Sts.
That's Toronto these days - nobody cares about rules because the chances of getting caught and ticketed are miniscule.
Our whole culture has changed. I don't mean ethnically, but how we see and treat one another.
You can see the change everywhere. Recently I was in the changeroom at the gym, and a pack of delinquents in their early teens were messing around in there and screaming at each other (not arguing or fighting, just being obnoxious) as loudly as possible, which was particularly annoying since it echoes in there, so eventually I snapped and yelled at them to shut the hell up. While they were startled by being told off by an adult and they simmered down somewhat, as soon as I walked out I could hear them resume their stupid nonsense, so what lesson did they even learn? Why do I even bother?

******* kids.
