Active Member
What about pension deductions? I thought Australia had substantial compulsory pension deductions. No Employment Insurance either, or is it rolled into income taxes?
Of course, these comparisons fail to take into account sales taxes and excise taxes. I think NY would have an edge on Ontario with these taken into account.
don't have any specific pension tax, because everyone earns superannuation which is on top of your gross wage.
i.e the examples have been $40k p/a. If you earned that in Australia, you'd actually have a package of $43,900 - because the extra 9% is your mandatory superannuation contributions your employer pays into your super fund. Some employers might offer extra super as an incentive (i.e they pay 15%), regardless whatever you earn - $15k working at McDonalds at the age of 15 or a salaried CEO of an ASX listed company, your employer must pay 9% on top of your gross earnings every year.
It's a scheme concocted 30 odd years ago to lessen the pension burden when people retire.
The main consumption tax we have is the GST - federal level, (states dont have many powers to do direct taxation - GST is 100% returned to the states from the Federal government) which is a flat 10% and doesn't apply to specific basic/necessary items, everything else attracts it.