Our building is 40+ years old and it's been one damn thing after another. The envelope, the garage, the balconies, the exhaust fans, etc. It didn't help that it was the wild west for many years where people did what they please, interfering with common elements and, as a result, impacting on the plant's systems.
I joined the Board as treasurer after years of fees being kept down more than they should have been and money spent on cosmetic changes, the lobby, the corridors etc. A window replacement project about 10 years ago was a disaster (we were not living here then) for a number of reasons starting with the Board trying to go as cheap as possible. Anyway, once I got on the Board, we bit the bullet and announced that our fees were jumping by 10%/a three years in a row in order to catch up. The balcony replacement project resulted in SA of less than $3K per suite which I think is amazingly low. Now we are in excellent shape, working on the ventilation system, renovating our gym and party room, doubling our emergency generator capacity from 72 hours to 144 hours (one elevator, emergency lights, cold water to the top floor and power on the lobby level where folks can charge their phones and make tea/coffee.)
Our next big nightmare is the elevators which should have been done in the early 2000s but the former Board opted for a refurbish which was throwing good money after bad.
You can't afford to be cheap.
The bottom line: Our building was kind of a fixer-upper but had great bones, spacious suites, amenities and other features. Now it's like one of those extravagant Riverdale renos which went up bigly in value.