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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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My brother (he is in his mid-30s) received a letter from the CPC (and yes, he donated to them at one point, given that he's a Harper Conservative with MAGA tendencies and is a borderline QAnon adherent).

The main envelope simply reads "MOST URGENT" in large red capital letters with "Election Canada" in smaller black letters. No mention of the CPC by name or logo on the main envelope itself.

The letter is simply a letter to apply for CPC membership (with the words "MOST URGENT" again, this time with the logo of the CPC next to it), complete with a form and return envelope to send to the CPC.

Having the main envelope read "MOST URGENT" without mentioning the CPC on it (no name, no logo) is very predatory. In reality, applying for membership of a political party isn't "MOST URGENT." I know that other parties actually put their logo on the main envelope (such as the NDP as I am an NDP supporter) and not put "MOST URGENT" on the main envelope.

I believe that the words "MOST URGENT" or similar should be banned from envelopes. Wording like this is popular with scammers and the CPC really stoops that low.

It's similar to what the Ontario PCs did in 2018:

Sounds like every Reader's Digest sweepstakes mailer, plus a whole lot of other promos and junkmail, I have ever received.

I'd have more issue with the words 'Election Canada', unless that is required.
Sounds like every Reader's Digest sweepstakes mailer, plus a whole lot of other promos and junkmail, I have ever received.

I'd have more issue with the words 'Election Canada', unless that is required.
No doubt about it.

Regarding Reader's Digest, it doesn't help that it has the same political alignment as the CPC here and with the GOP in the States:

It's very unsurprising regular residential RD subscribers (as opposed to reception rooms) and those interested in CPC membership (or potentially interested in CPC membership) have a very strong overlap.

Note that we don't subscribe to RD.
Sounds like every Reader's Digest sweepstakes mailer, plus a whole lot of other promos and junkmail, I have ever received.

I'd have more issue with the words 'Election Canada', unless that is required.
They are clearly trying to cause people to think it is something from ElectionS Canada and not 'only' something about a Canadian election....
No doubt about it.

Regarding Reader's Digest, it doesn't help that it has the same political alignment as the CPC here and with the GOP in the States:

It's very unsurprising regular residential RD subscribers (as opposed to reception rooms) and those interested in CPC membership (or potentially interested in CPC membership) have a very strong overlap.

Note that we don't subscribe to RD.
That analysis is for RD US. The Canadian version has mostly Canadian content; although I don't know where it would fit along the spectrum.
Cryptopierre - what could go wrong?

Could get worse. I can't wait for crypto to go to zero so all the greater fools get revealed for the ignorant shills they are. This whole episode has been absolutely valuable in revealing PP for the dangerous charlatan that he is.

Full disclosure, I've shorted crypto and I hope these grifters lose their shirts.
"stablecoin" - ha ha ha.


I wanna laugh. I really do. But at the same time, he was pitching to the cryptobros because there was a certain attraction there. Crypto has always been sold as this libertarian concept. And I'm deeply concerned that the collapse of crypto will not make the cryptobros more rational. It'll make them go full fascist.
A Leger Poll released today of people who identify as Conservative supporters

