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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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Really nfitz? After all the over-the-top rhetoric in your past posts regarding Ford and others, are you actually nitpicking someone else's post?
Your idea of over-the-top rhetoric is mentioning he is a liar and an anti-gay bigot. Both of which have been proven to be true, and have been relevant to recent events in the city.
I can think of 2.6 million victims personally. One day we'll look back at this as Toronto fighting and kicking its way into adulthood. We'll get there... eventually.

This doesn't make any logical sense. There must be plenty who benefited from his policies.
People are just being biased here. For example, Waterfront Toronto? It takes them forever to accomplish any teeny tiny thing. I consider it as completely incompetent. Also LGBT community? I mean LGBT are humans just like the rest of us. Why should they get separate funding just to celebrate their existence? It is like giving the left-handed people $10million each year to hold an event for being left-handed. makes no sense at all. Doesn't the LGBT community want to be treated as completely normal, just like left-handed folks? Then why expect any preferential treatment?
Streetcars: they obviously don't work. They are so slow and impedes traffic. (no, I don't have a car and I live downtown)

That being said, I do think cancelation of Transit City and not bidding for 2020 Olympic is a shame.
Also LGBT community? I mean LGBT are humans just like the rest of us.
Not to mention that we can't assume that all LGBT are politically left leaning or supporters of big tax&spend government. Once someone buys a house and earns a good income they quickly want to get the government out of their lives and pockets, regardless of sexual orientation.
Also LGBT community? I mean LGBT are humans just like the rest of us. Why should they get separate funding just to celebrate their existence?

Why does carribana deserve funding?

Waterfront Toronto? It takes them forever to accomplish any teeny tiny thing.

Due to environmental assesments and other laws.

I consider it as completely incompetent.

Based on the knowledge expressed in your post, I'd consider you to be incompetant as well.

Streetcars: they obviously don't work.

Again your incompetance rears its ugly head, they obviously do work.

They are so slow and impedes traffic.

Actually, it's the car traffic that impede streetcars.
This doesn't make any logical sense. There must be plenty who benefited from his policies.

His buddies?

People are just being biased here.

No, people are worried here because there has never been a better opportunity for Toronto to be in the world map and it's being squandered by these 2 buffoons.

For example, Waterfront Toronto? It takes them forever to accomplish any teeny tiny thing. I consider it as completely incompetent.

WTH are you talking about? Do you even know how much work it takes to clean up these lands? You really think a huge project like this can be done in a decade? Are you that clueless?

Also LGBT community? I mean LGBT are humans just like the rest of us. Why should they get separate funding just to celebrate their existence? It is like giving the left-handed people $10million each year to hold an event for being left-handed. makes no sense at all. Doesn't the LGBT community want to be treated as completely normal, just like left-handed folks? Then why expect any preferential treatment?

Fine, then we cancel the Christmas parade as well as Caribana, and everything else. We might as well tell TIFF and Luminato to move to Montreal while we're at it. Now that is how you build a city.

Streetcars: they obviously don't work. They are so slow and impedes traffic. (no, I don't have a car and I live downtown)

Enlighten me please, why is it that they don't work? And why is it that several cities around the world, that have a larger population then Toronto, are investing in streetcars and LRT?
Prompted to post

This doesn't make any logical sense. There must be plenty who benefited from his policies.
People are just being biased here. For example, Waterfront Toronto? It takes them forever to accomplish any teeny tiny thing. I consider it as completely incompetent. Also LGBT community? I mean LGBT are humans just like the rest of us. Why should they get separate funding just to celebrate their existence? It is like giving the left-handed people $10million each year to hold an event for being left-handed. makes no sense at all. Doesn't the LGBT community want to be treated as completely normal, just like left-handed folks? Then why expect any preferential treatment?
Streetcars: they obviously don't work. They are so slow and impedes traffic. (no, I don't have a car and I live downtown)

That being said, I do think cancelation of Transit City and not bidding for 2020 Olympic is a shame.

Unfortunately, these days I'm just too busy to respond to posts and/or get involved in many arguements anymore...that being said, however, sometimes a post comes along that's so funny that I can't help myself (actually more sad than funny)...

...and this one has so many over the top contentions I'm compelled to sign in and say so...

...whoever you are it's so freakin obvious you're a right-winged troll...learn some subtlety at least if you're going to continue to troll and post...oh, and p.s...even though I didn't really offer any counter arguement and posted only commentary, I'll offer you some advice anyhow and suggest that before posting your opinions AND being critical of others for not being logical, please at least attempt to offer some logic/basis supporting your own ill-advised opinions...please...

I didn't b/c others already have and I don't have the time...
Also LGBT community? I mean LGBT are humans just like the rest of us. Why should they get separate funding just to celebrate their existence? It is like giving the left-handed people $10million each year to hold an event for being left-handed. makes no sense at all. Doesn't the LGBT community want to be treated as completely normal, just like left-handed folks? Then why expect any preferential treatment?

Okay, don't fund anybody from any subgroup of humanity, because they're all "humans just like the rest of us". Boy, you have a dreary, dismal, abysmally stupid grasp of humanity...
My only nitpick with that "list" is streetcars and congestion. Streetcars obviously move a lot of people.

That being said, they also contribute to the congestion because they can't move around traffic. So at some point, we have to ask some serious questions about whether streetcars make any real sense anymore on our streets and to rethink their future. I know more and more people who are openly questioning and some strongly suggesting that the time of the streetcar is done.

I know this a raw nerve with some people and I personally love streetcars but I also hate being stuck on one that's going nowhere fast.
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Vehicles can move around streetcars, they just can't pass when loading and unloading of passengers - not to mention ROW lines on St. Clair & Queens Quay that don't affect traffic flow at all and in a perfect world would be the standard for all streetcar routes. In my experience by far the worst street for traffic congestion is the 501 route, time for a subway/LRT under Queen Street but again, we're not going to see that anytime soon.

Immediate victims of the Fords in the next year will be all but the upper income earners yet some potential cuts will even affect them but then they've got the money to take the kids on a day trip to the African Lion Safari as opposed to Riverdale Farm. It looks like the homeless, lower income earners, the arts and cultural events will get hammered the hardest.
...whoever you are it's so freakin obvious you're a right-winged troll...learn some subtlety at least if you're going to continue to troll and post...oh, and p.s...even though I didn't really offer any counter arguement and posted only commentary, I'll offer you some advice anyhow and suggest that before posting your opinions AND being critical of others for not being logical, please at least attempt to offer some logic/basis supporting your own ill-advised opinions...please...

I didn't b/c others already have and I don't have the time...

How condenscending is that. Just because I don't agree with many of your opinions makes me a "troll"?
I didn't vote for Rob Ford, but that doesn't mean anything he does is wrong.
Vehicles can move around streetcars, they just can't pass when loading and unloading of passengers - not to mention ROW lines on St. Clair & Queens Quay that don't affect traffic flow at all and in a perfect world would be the standard for all streetcar routes. In my experience by far the worst street for traffic congestion is the 501 route, time for a subway/LRT under Queen Street but again, we're not going to see that anytime soon.

Immediate victims of the Fords in the next year will be all but the upper income earners yet some potential cuts will even affect them but then they've got the money to take the kids on a day trip to the African Lion Safari as opposed to Riverdale Farm. It looks like the homeless, lower income earners, the arts and cultural events will get hammered the hardest.

Yes, I said Streetcars don't work not because I hate public transit (I have not driven a car since 2005), but because streetcars in Toronto mostly do not work well. I take 505 and 501 mostly, and boy, sometimes they are disasters. This is especially true for 501. If all streetcars have their own lanes like the one on Spadina and St Clair, I am all for it.

Remember during G20 last year, when the entire downtown core from Yonge to Spadina are blocked, 10 streets cars lined up on the corner of Queen/Spadina, simply because those 501s are unable to turn back.
Remember during G20 last year, when the entire downtown core from Yonge to Spadina are blocked, 10 streets cars lined up on the corner of Queen/Spadina, simply because those 501s are unable to turn back.

Ummm... if you're using the G20 fiasco as an arbiter of bad transport, you should point out that no cars were moving, either, as the roads were blocked.
Not to mention that we can't assume that all LGBT are politically left leaning or supporters of big tax&spend government. Once someone buys a house and earns a good income they quickly want to get the government out of their lives and pockets, regardless of sexual orientation.

So true. Many gays are actually right winged conservatives. I personally know any gays in the US who don't even support gay marriages. odd but real.

It is silly to just assume all gays, minority folks are liberals. Political views have more to do with income than anything else. If you are a hardworking professional, you won't want the government to hand too much money to those "homeless" in their 30s in perferct health condition who would rather live on social welfare than working for $10 an hour a Tim's who happens to be hiring next door, or those who make $20K a year but choose to have 8 kids which they can't afford to raise and would prefer strangers do that for them.
Ummm... if you're using the G20 fiasco as an arbiter of bad transport, you should point out that no cars were moving, either, as the roads were blocked.

what I meant was, cars and buses can turn back and pick up new passengers, while streetcars are just stuck there occupying the entire block.
Not to mention that we can't assume that all LGBT are politically left leaning or supporters of big tax&spend government. Once someone buys a house and earns a good income they quickly want to get the government out of their lives and pockets, regardless of sexual orientation.

Wow...condemning one blanket assumption and then going on to make your own. How about those (including myself) who make more than the average income, own their own homes and yet gladly pay their taxes because they realize that those social programs panned by the Right contribute to a healthier more prosperous nation/province/city over the longer term.
