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I'm not sure people understand fascism when they refer to Trump as such. For fascism you need a dictator unanswerable to anyone, you need a people who see no value in the individual other than how he/she can serve the state, and you need to see glory in war and struggle. As POTUS, Trump won't/can't be a dictator, would be answerable to Congress and the Supreme Court, there are few nations that embrace individualism and individual rights over groupthink than Americans, and Trump says the past wars are wasteful interference in other peoples' affairs.

The one thing I enjoy about Trump is his total lack of religiosity. This has to be the only GOP president who has publicly declared he doesn't give a fig for religion. That has to be refreshing, and must be driving the evangelicals mad. IMO, Trump's got this election in the bag, unless.... DEMs pick Sanders.

Apparently we can throw any bad label on Trump nowadays and still sound correct and progressive, even without logic. Any everything is legitimate just to "stop" him.
If Trump became president, I bet that there would be quite a number of Americans applying for refugee status in Canada; note that this would not be the first time this happened (note the draft dodgers during the Vietnam War).

Canada greatly benefitted from American refugees.

Few Americans will apply and none will be approved.
I imagine North America's indigenous peoples would have had the same argument, or today's Tibetans vs. Chinese migration to their previously independent territories.

Tibet's case is totally different.
The British killed thousands of indigenous people, grabbed their land and forced them out of their home, on the other hand, the Chinese abolished a slave system where 2% of the monks ran the country mercilessly, provided freedom, education and basic rights such as healthcare to the 90% Tibetans and even built a high speed train to link this inaccessible land to the rest of the world.
There is no similarity here.
Apparently we can throw any bad label on Trump nowadays and still sound correct and progressive, even without logic. Any everything is legitimate just to "stop" him.

I worked in Canada.

Parties campaigned on "Stop Harper" and were viewed/reported as being a positive campaign. Now its clear how many lies were stated during that campaign and the hypocrisy is glaring.
I imagine Clinton supporters will act the same. They will use violence and intimidation against Trump supporters to show how bad Trump is. Although this makes no sense, people will believe it.
Trump is not a fascist, but he has no problem praising leaders with that mindset. He said that Kim Jong-Un was doing a good job by having his own family members killed and that Putin having his opposition assassinated was a good idea.

As POTUS, Trump won't/can't be a dictator, would be answerable to Congress and the Supreme Court,

This is very true. Our PM has much more power than the President in terms of having the ability to get things done.
The left leaning have been casually labelling the right facists forever. The Bush family, Mike Harris. A googling of "Stephen Harper facist" returns the husband of a former governor-general making the connection. It's no surprise that opponents are using the word for someone who does appear to lean towards authoritarianism. They're very selective in the perceptions however. If one of the more yahoo supporters of Trump push or hit someone at a rally, op-ed commentators immediately start writing about brownshirts. When protesters on the left get violent their motivations are more sympathetically explained: activists who have been pushed into action, outsiders, a few bad apples. Trump does appear to be somewhat more of an instigator than other politicians, but then too this might be a question of perspective. For some, expousing policy positions that argue a country should control who crosses its borders and settles within its boundaries is racist and a call to violence. I thought that Trump might be starting to spin out of control, thin-skinned and paranoid, with his eyebrow-raising toward the judge's heritage. But then when over-40 white people see young protesters wrapped in Mexican flags burning American ones, hearts will be hardened. It's not good.
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Trump is still a dangerous man. He has made hate, fear and bigotry acceptable. The KKK is actually boosting its numbers thanks to him. Jewish journalists are being harassed online by white supremacists who just happen to support him.
This little speech is going so well. Who doesn't want their own African-American?

ddale8 5:08pm via Twitter Web Client
My goodness. Donald Trump points to a black supporter and says, "Look at my African-American over here. Look at him!"

Instagram photo tomorrow?--Trump eating fried chicken and watermelon at Maralago. "My African-Americans love me."
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ddale8 11:13am via Twitter for iPhone
Via @laurenbraden: Trump just tweeted a stolen photo of a random black family at a reunion as if they're supporters

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
"@Don_Vito_08: Thank You Mr. Trump for Standing up for Our Country! #VoteTrump2016 JOIN ME ON THE #TrumpTrain

Even Newt Gingrich isn't happy with Trump attacking that Latino judge and he is a dedicated supporter! Paul Ryan is also being critical of him because of the race related attack, just days after endorsing him.
Trump is not a fascist, but he has no problem praising leaders with that mindset. He said that Kim Jong-Un was doing a good job by having his own family members killed and that Putin having his opposition assassinated was a good idea.

Trump is either, a buffoon or a genius playing a buffoon to appeal to a segment of the population that he sees as being under served by the usual political discourse and this will swing them to him.

That said he did not say Kim Jong-Un was doing a good job killing his family....he was clumsily saying for a young guy he should some "get up and go" attitude....the actual quote is here (for expediency I just used Hillary's "trump actually said this" for the quote:

"And you've got to give him credit. How many young guys — he was like 26 or 25 when his father died — take over these tough generals…. It's incredible. He wiped out the uncle. He wiped out this one, that one. I mean, this guy doesn't play games.”

As for Putin...he admired his leadership

"I will tell you, in terms of leadership, he's getting an 'A,'

The sheer number of controversial things he has said is a bit mind boggling....but that is probably by design (to create a "see the establishment is against" image)....but each thing, itself, seems carefully crafted to be controversial while having a backdoor re-explanation. None of his statements about liking aspects of other, less desirable, countries is as clear as, say, this:

There's a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime.
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