Active Member
I wonder how the leaked Panama papers will, if at all, have a major influence on the US election. Some are saying how it shows that Bernie Sanders' ideas are vindicated, but it seems like most people reacting strongly to the leak so far are not North American (American or Canadian) but more so Europeans.
As BBC News reported; very few Americans have been named in the leak, and although that could change, it was said that they pretty much have tax havens within the U.S. like Delaware that basically does the same as a Cayman Island bank in hiding money.
In Canada, no one really famous has popped up, and as a result it hasn't be sensational in the news here compared to Europe. The only big name that has appeared is RBC, but I doubt they'll get any harsh punishments if found guilty. Doing so would make an noticeable dent in the market, or worse, a bank run.
Somewhat on a related note, I remember hearing urban legends years ago that you could open an off-shore account from a Canadian bank only from its main branches downtown if you knew the exact name of the account product in question. I wounder how much truth that legend has now with the recent leak?