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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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Sure, if they only allow builder basic homes and double the population. The solution to our housing crisis is building low cost housing.
Buy a piece of land and build a basic house. Buy a shack and live in it. Are you suggesting there’s no shacks in Peterborough? Anyways that’s how you get basic housing. You’re allowed to build whatever you want. Developers only build luxury because that’s where the money is.
Buy a piece of land and build a basic house. Buy a shack and live in it. Are you suggesting there’s no shacks in Peterborough? Anyways that’s how you get basic housing. You’re allowed to build whatever you want. Developers only build luxury because that’s where the money is.
I am tired of driving around and seeing new development with the terms 'luxury' or 'executive' or any other high end words. At this point, all developments should say "affordable" or 'budget friendly' or other words to say that housing can be affordable.
I am tired of driving around and seeing new development with the terms 'luxury' or 'executive' or any other high end words. At this point, all developments should say "affordable" or 'budget friendly' or other words to say that housing can be affordable.
Well developers are trying to market their product and make as much profit as possible. They are not a charity.

If you want something affordable buy used. Buy something from some sr who never renovated and recently went to meet their maker. There are options.
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Well developers are trying to market their product and make as much profit as possible.

If you want something affordable buy used. Buy something from some sr who never renovated and recently went to meet their maker. There are options.
I know those are the current options. Just like the current fastest way to get around the Corridor is a plane. Does not mean it should be. Status quo is never good.
Buy a piece of land and build a basic house. Buy a shack and live in it. Are you suggesting there’s no shacks in Peterborough? Anyways that’s how you get basic housing. You’re allowed to build whatever you want. Developers only build luxury because that’s where the money is.
Well developers are trying to market their product and make as much profit as possible. They are not a charity.

If you want something affordable buy used. Buy something from some sr who never renovated and recently went to meet their maker. There are options.
I‘m not sure you are aware of this, but most of the people commenting here have placed @micheal_can on their „Ignore“ list to save themselves from having to see his compulsive attempts to hijack all somewhat rail-related threads here and steer the discussions around his personal interests. Unfortunately, there is no function yet to also automatically hide any responses to people we‘re ignoring, which is why I would like to ask you to consider resisting the urge to reply to every single such attempt. Even if you are telling him how delirious he is, you are still playing his eversame trolling game by responding at all.

Just my two cents, but I really had to protect my mental health by no longer reacting to him and by discouraging others from feeding him with the reactions and attention he feeds on.
Has anybody yet mentioned how CP would fit in with the plans, given that it would appear that some level of the active Havelock corridor would be used for HFR? Obviously, not much is known about the project just yet, but just wanted to hear other thoughts.
Has anybody yet mentioned how CP would fit in with the plans, given that it would appear that some level of the active Havelock corridor would be used for HFR? Obviously, not much is known about the project just yet, but just wanted to hear other thoughts.

Nighttime running. Similar to what happens with the Waterloo LRT and CN.
I find it quite interesting the cities like Kingston and London are being kicked into the boonies, so we can run a high speed line through Peterborough. Makes zero sense.
I find it quite interesting the cities like Kingston and London are being kicked into the boonies, so we can run a high speed line through Peterborough. Makes zero sense.
Population Peterborough = 86K
Population Kingston 137K
We aren't talking several orders of magnitude difference between these two cities.

Also, Kingston is only 2.5hrs to Toronto by VIA, so it's still within a comfortable distance of TO even without HSR.

As for London, perhaps extending the line there would be a future consideration.
Population Peterborough = 86K
Population Kingston 137K
We aren't talking several orders of magnitude difference between these two cities.

Also, Kingston is only 2.5hrs to Toronto by VIA, so it's still within a comfortable distance of TO even without HSR.

The issue is not should it go to Kingston, it is how do you get to there? Can you find a route that fits 2 tracks and can be fully grade separated?

As for London, perhaps extending the line there would be a future consideration.

My hope is after the next federal election, Ford and whomever gets in talk and a second contract is done,separate from this one, but using the same technologies to ensure their interoperability. That or in an election promise for the winning party, the extension to London/Windsor is in it.
Posts in other forums indicate that Kingston City Council was considering withdrawing its support for HFR based on the lack of clarity or detail on what would happen to the legacy service should HSR be built.
The history to this is that back in 2017 VIA did a round of consultations with municipalities along the Lakeshore line, seeking support for the original HFR plan. At that time, assurances were given that local service would be preserved and improved. A vague concept of transforming service into a Kingston "hub" was floated. (the potential for this is the biggest differentiator between Kingston and Peterboro - Kingston could support a hub where Peterboro can't).
Here we are eight years later and Ottawa has said absolutely nothing since 2017.
Clearly, the 2017 assurances were only a napkin plan, with no commitment. Communities along the Lakeshore line are quite justified in objecting.

- Paul

PS - Youtube from the 2017 discussion at Kingston Council - starts around 1:15

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Friendly reminder that a straight line from Toronto to Ottawa runs almost through Peterborough:

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The discussion was about population not distance.

Kingston service may well get souped up with Alto, but I fear run time might get even worse.
