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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. E

    Edmonton | Bateman Lands Mid-Rise | 34m | 8s | Bateman Properties | Next Architecture

    It's one thing to not develop commercial in an area because you're not sure it can work, it's another to not develop it even though you know it can, given that the location had multiple successful businesses operating there previously. The City should be firm in requiring commercial for this...
  2. E

    Vancouver | 1956-1990 Stainsbury Avenue | 16m | 5s

    I've never been a fan of the shipping containeresque perforated siding, but have to admit this has been done well.
  3. E

    Vancouver, 2543-2583 Renfrew Street and 2895 East 10th Avenue

    With the new proposed renfrew plan, these may seem almost out of place in about a decade.
  4. E

    LRT Expansion Planning

    A sincere thank you for carrying on and achiving his legacy @CplKlinger ! Upon his passing I was given quite a few of his documents and files as well. If I find anything that you have not already archived I will be sure to send them your way!
  5. E

    Warehouse District Park

    There does seem to be a a fair amount of active spaces and open places that can be used for events, but at the same time it seems like any time they weren't sure what to do with an area they just placed lot of seating and benches that will likely stay largely unused. It would have been nice to...
  6. E

    Edmonton | Blatchford Development | ?m | ?s | City of Edmonton

    We know that this will be the long term alignment for the Metro line. Since we had the money, it makes a lot of sense to build now for a few reasons. First, because large scale infrastructure projects costs have been outpacing inflation for a while so it will only be more expensive in the...
  7. E

    Infill Photo Thread

    I would guess that there's a significant enough drop in home/land prices for that area that makes the economics work better, even if the new units end up selling for a bit less.
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    Edmonton | Blatchford Development | ?m | ?s | City of Edmonton

    Wish it had more retail but it's a start!
  9. E

    Alberta Politics

    They won't acknowledge climate change or the effects of it, but they will conveniently use the increase in wildfires to justify staying in office longer. The UCP motto, only recognize reality when it's convenient.
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    New Zoning Bylaw

    I would love some form of soft green belt for Edmonton to reduce sprawl, but given the provinces recent meddling in municipal affairs, I don't think that would ever be supported. I think making infill as easy as possible is as much as we can hope for at this time, and the city has done a great...
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    Alberta Politics

    "We only respect democracy when it benefits us." In terms of the municipal party thing, support for it is less than 30%, so why are they doing it? Well as someone who is currently in BC where there are already municipal parties, the reason is simple. Currently municipal politics in Alberta...
  12. E

    General Infill Discussion

    Amazing what you can do when you loosen parking and unit regulations, and still stay within the general "character" of a neighbourhood. Hard for anyone to argue these are out of scale
  13. E

    4118-4138 Cambie St

    Yup, people will forever be looking back on this one as a huge missed opportunity right across from the train station, especially with all the additional density now allowed in the area due to the provincial changes.
  14. E

    Vancouver, 1503 Kingsway, Cressey

    Thanks for all the updates! Not a fan of the tower itself on this one, but must admit the public realm is quite nice.
  15. E

    The Mercury Block II | Hodgson Schilf Evans

    I think this is the fastest I've ever seen a project move from announcement to substantial excavation.
  16. E

    Vancouver, 2543-2583 Renfrew Street and 2895 East 10th Avenue

    It's great to see this block go from a few single family homes to a ton of housing, plus a continuous commercial streetwall.
  17. E

    Vancouver, 2153-2199 Kingsway

    This one is a big miss for me. Nothing about it looks good.
  18. E

    LDA23-0233 Windsor Park Rezoning - 116st - 88ave - 23m - Proposed

    They do have rights. No one is forced to sell their home, and they can choose to stay or leave as development occurs around them.
  19. E

    LDA23-0233 Windsor Park Rezoning - 116st - 88ave - 23m - Proposed

    Residents 2 blocks away from one of the biggest universities in the Country surprised to learn that there is demand for housing in their neighbourhood.
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    Edmonton | Blatchford Development | ?m | ?s | City of Edmonton

    I don't have an issue with townhomes and I think they're a good form of more dense family oriented housing. My issue is when all you have is townhomes and not enough amenities/commercial/higher density forms of housing to support it. We are starting to see this a lot in Vancouver suburbs like...
