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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. urbanfan89

    Detroit's Green Houses

    Coming soon to a neighbourhood near you?
  2. urbanfan89

    Transit City: Sheppard East Debate

    If it weren't for an asinine directive passed by the TTC, the option of converting the Sheppard Subway to LRT tunnel and simply building the LRT towards STC would clearly be most appropriate. However, some egos need to be preserved...
  3. urbanfan89

    Election 2009

    Perhaps they'll see it that way. But remember this time last year, as soon as the election was announced, the political parties stopped complaining about the election itself and started campaigning. Unless the election is clearly a grab for power (which this one isn't), the public will just...
  4. urbanfan89

    Election 2009

    Ironically, an election *is* due this fall according to the fixed election dates law the Conservative government passed in 2006. Most importantly, there was no no-confidence vote before Harper unilaterally decided that "parliament doesn't work" (if it doesn't work, it's because you don't want to...
  5. urbanfan89

    Election 2009 Let the fireworks begin!
  6. urbanfan89

    Omar Khadr

    If you can't make a case against a supposed terrorist for seven years, you don't have a case. End of story.
  7. urbanfan89

    Peterborough Commuter Rail

    Election season is coming up, so look for announcements from Harper that Peterborough will REALLY get a rail service this time if only they are given a majority government, and from Iggy for a national rail service proposal.
  8. urbanfan89

    GO needs off-peak pricing

    I somehow doubt your average GO commuter, someone who lives in Oakville and who works 9 to 5 at King and Bay, is going to change the work hours to save $10 daily.
  9. urbanfan89

    New day, new political scandal

    It's in jest. Every time those brown people get mistreated by counsular officials and the Government of Canada, the Harpies must shriek, "How dare he/she decides to sue you/me for $X million!" as if the government should not be held accountable to its citizens. This was my "solution" to this...
  10. urbanfan89

    Turks and Caicos Islands to join Canada?

    First, other countries have possessions in the region and keep a low profile. The Netherlands has islands directly off Venezuela, and I've never heard of Chavez complaining about Dutch imperialists. Second, simply because Canada has a pile of sand in the region doesn't necessarily make it a big...
  11. urbanfan89

    Canada's newest import from China?

    Canada's latest import from China is now the Wu Mao where the CPC pays people to flood blogs and comment sections with the talking points du jour. Just browse through the comments here...
  12. urbanfan89

    Turks and Caicos Islands to join Canada?

    Why so? The cost of vacationing in Turks and Caicos will be multiple times of vacationing in Cuba or Jamaica or Dominican Republic, and what do you get in return? Just the bragging rights to say you've been there?
  13. urbanfan89

    New day, new political scandal

    If the Conservatives are so angry about compensating this lady who was abused by her government, why not garnish, say, 20% from the paycheques of their MPs? According to my numbers, the 2.5 million will be paid off in 6 months and 3 weeks.
  14. urbanfan89

    Vancouver's Canada Line

    Ahh, just as real progress on public transit is being made, about 40% of the comments on the CBC article are nonsensical drivel...
  15. urbanfan89

    Turks and Caicos Islands to join Canada?

    I'm not sure there will be a big influx of Canadians. All the snowbirds who own homes in Fort Meyers and Orlando won't sell up and move just because a tiny island nearby is now flying the maple leaf. All the families who spend a week treating their kids to Mickey Mouse won't decide to see the...
  16. urbanfan89

    Turks and Caicos Islands to join Canada?

    Citizens of some Asian countries can enter Guam without visa, but need a visa to enter the US proper. I suggest that letting some foreigners enter T&C visa-free who otherwise need a visa to enter mainland Canada would attract more tourists. Quebec is not going to start controlling its borders...
  17. urbanfan89

    Turks and Caicos Islands to join Canada?

    Perhaps Canada could do to T&C, what US did to Guam. Make it the fourth territory, albeit one with more autonomy: its own immigration rules (so that a foreigner who can enter T&C cannot necessarily enter Canada proper), and its own currency (continues the USD). But still, the only benefit a...
  18. urbanfan89

    Turks and Caicos Islands to join Canada?

    I don't think so. There will always be tiny no-name places where billionaires can stash their cash without worrying about taxes. Another concern: Are the immigration authorities prepared to deal with the massive flood of Haitian refugees who will find Canada much closer and easier to reach?
  19. urbanfan89

    Busan, South Korea

    Looks like every public sign has Chinese as well as English and Korean. Is it because of large Chinese communities, or is the government doing it to promote the language?
