I'm thinking it's also so they can crush Porter in the TOR-OTT-MTL market. An editorial on Air Canada's entry into the competition mentioned they were probably after passenger data; that would help them considerably.
The fence is down around the parkette! Only the station building is fenced off now.
EDIT Aug 1: Forgot to mention, the fence blocking the stairs to the Beltline Trail is also down.
The next phase of UTS: the older section closer to Spadina will get a couple towers added to it.
The house on Ellis Park Road mentioned in this thread a million years ago is up for sale again. Anyone got a spare five mil?
Not sure how I feel about the literally ensuite bath.
The tower crane has been gone for a few months. They use a crane on wheels when they need something lifted. The main station building has glass. Chaplin south of Eglinton is closed off to road traffic because they have a trench dug in the road.
I think VIA Rail used one of them as a display case for their souvenir shop.
If they can't be walked into, what about taking out the glass and putting in vending machines? Not like the ones you see here, but like they have in Japan where you can get almost anything out of one? Wouldn't be the...
Also 1425 Rene-Levesque Ouest in Montreal. It didn't last long, becoming CBC's Montreal studios till the 70s. It's offices now, with the openings between the wings glassed in.
So I work in Mississauga and am currently driving in from Cambridge - not a situation I hope will continue, especially once the snow falls.
I found an ad for a building just south of Jane and Lawrence. The rent is about the most I can afford. Is this area still as bad as people say it is?
Of all the places to have surface parking. If you're going to pay that much for a condo you should at least get to avoid cleaning your car off in the winter.
I wonder what the odds are of ONR getting the tender for the SSM-Hearst service. If they're going to expand, it makes sense for that part to be added to the network too.
If I'm not mistaken, the most recent version of this sign at the mall doesn't include the Fantasy Fair. I hope they reconsider if that's true; it's seen better days, no question, but it would be a shame to see it go.
You have a very narrow view of the game's audience. The big driver is immigrants from the Caribbean, India, and Pakistan. I was at CCTT a couple of years ago waiting for a GO Bus and someone fitting one of those categories (couldn't tell which) was taking practice swings with his bat.
We've had...
Does anyone remember a hobby shop closer to downtown? I have a lingering memory of a really dumpy one on Yonge somewhere near Eaton Centre, but I might be making that up out of nowhere.