No, that isn't a massive fail.
Trying to point out the good points in Adolf Hitler isn't a massive fail?
You are unable to see anything but the worst in people.
Where do you get that? Your a newbie here, and you come here and have the gall to call me names, create strawmen, put words in my mouth, and then tell me I see nothing but the worst in people. Is seeing nothing but the worst in Adolf Hitler a bad thing? Why do you seek to look for the good in Adolf Hitler?
I suppose if one has the capacity to find good in Adolf Hitler, one can find good in John Tory too!
Seriously though, I invariably always see the glass half-full, am an eternal optimistic, and see good in people where I probably shouldn't. But when we hit the point of no return, I do then resent that I've been hoodwinked.
John Tory has a history of bigotry. A history of racism. A history of creating divides where it's unnecessary. And now we find out (or perhaps remember) that he supports creationism. And yet your are blinded in your devotion to John Tory (and Adolf Hitler it would seem) to see the real issues, and instead focus on ... I don't even know what. John Tory's only big selling point was that he isn't Rob Ford, and won't embarrass us as much. Well he won't. But shouldn't seek more than this in a leader?
The biggest (non-Ford) issue in this election seems to be Transit. Tory has offered us little there - a massive fail, promising us what Metrolinx has already promised, but perhaps delivering slightly faster. But failing to deliver a DRL. And doing nothing to roll back the Karen Stintz cuts, let alone improve current service.
It's not like I'm taking someone with a good platform, and then trashing them for their racism, bigotry and extremist Christian views. At best we've got a mediocre and passable leader. Though now we find out his former boss at Rogers didn't even think he could be a great leader ... but might be an inspiring figurehead. This from someone who knew him well!