I was kind of hoping you'd be able to say something in your own words, instead of borrowing someone else's and hoping for the appeal to authority to rub off. I mean, some of SAL's attempts at compare-and-contrast aren't even about the same thing:
1. It's possible to be opposed to island airport expansion while still supporting small businesses, jobs and prosperity (doesn't everyone?)
2. Bike lanes don't promote gridlock/congestion - they're a way of offering an option to relieve it. Note that SAL opts to call it gridlock, which is something (total immobility) that happens rarely here, as opposed to congestion, which is less catastrophic, largely unavoidable and something that Ford has really done nothing tangible to address. SAL herself rides a bike! I guess that means she avoids bike lanes and exercises a prerogative to call other bike users 'helmet heads', because SAL is like a puerile bully version of a shark: if she doesn't stop applying childish nicknames to people she disagrees with, she'll die.
3. Role models: she may not have done entirely right by the co-op principles but, uh, isn't someone who abuses alcohol and drugs, habitually lies about it (and other things), subjects others to drunken (racist) abuse, lies about that, makes death threats on camera and refuses to explain them, endorses known criminals in legal proceedings and hiring procedures, lies about being assaulted, etc., etc. ... isn't someone like that a worse role model, by several orders of magnitude, than someone who didn't quite do enough to avoid the appearance of ethical impropriety?
And if we're going to talk about role models and spouses, SAL herself has some explaining to do. She met her partner while writing about a dispute regarding media coverage of a situation that seemed on the surface to be unfair to her partner but which turned out to be a case of fraudulently benefiting from a system designed to help someone less fortunate! That part of the story she didn't disclose at all.