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Took their time. But with such a l-o-n-g campaign, better to place them towards the end.

They actually included "nice hair though", referring to Stephen Harper! That made me laugh. Not to mention "Tom Mulcair's ready" in an obvious reference to the same ads.
A farmer near Brantford ON carved this in his field:



  • grenvilleanybodybutharper.jpg.size.xxlarge.letterbox.jpg
    36.3 KB · Views: 332
I think most of the damage done is permanent at this point, even with weeks to go. Still, the CPC could regain some support.
I think most of the damage done is permanent at this point, even with weeks to go. Still, the CPC could regain some support.
Harper has to be thinking that launching the longest campaign in modern Canadian history was a mistake. It would have been much smarter to have a super short one, like the 20 day event in 1874,,_1874 . Kick it off with the "nice hair" ads and don't give Muclair time to make a good impression on an uncertain electorate.
Did he not know that two potentially damaging trials would happen during the campaign?
They keep on saying that the budget is balanced, but that was just a projection.
Harper has to be thinking that launching the longest campaign in modern Canadian history was a mistake. It would have been much smarter to have a super short one, like the 20 day event in 1874,,_1874 . Kick it off with the "nice hair" ads and don't give Muclair time to make a good impression on an uncertain electorate.

Under the fixed election laws his party passed, all election campaigns must be minimal 37 days long from the fixed election date. There was no way that he would be able to get parliament to sit before he was forced to call the election.
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Darn it, now people will vote for them again...


Guess the sale of those GM shares definitely came at the right time. Placing this surplus into contingency would allow the government to balance the 2015/16 budget now, removing that as an attack for the Liberals and NDP.

Also makes it easier for the NDP to promise a balanced budget, and could reduce the deficit the Liberals are willing to rack up.
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I think it was a Nanos poll over the weekend that had everyone neck-and-neck again.

Nanos is polling daily. For the past week or so, it has had all 3 parties statistically tied. Forum seems to be the only pollster showing the NDP leading by a wide margin at the moment.
Nanos is polling daily. For the past week or so, it has had all 3 parties statistically tied. Forum seems to be the only pollster showing the NDP leading by a wide margin at the moment.

Nanos last Tuesday had NDP@33%, Liberals@31%, Tories@26%

vs. Today NDP@31%, Liberals@30%, Tories@30%
