Here's a wrinkle I realized last night, and that is sure to crater one of everyone's rationality synapse into absolute oblivion:
1. Ford has argued that, among other half-baked bullshit reasons, he is within his rights to use the NWC to overturn the ruled Charter violation because the Judge was appointed and Ford was elected with a majority mandate.
2. Trudeau was elected, and not appointed, with a majority mandate.
3. Therefore, Trudeau is within his rights to use the NWC to overturn any ruled Charter violations (from 1 and 2)
4. Ford has budgeted 30 million (that's 30 000 000, 7 zeros, fellas) to launch a court case arguing that Trudeau's carbon tax is unconstitutional
5. This court case will be decided by an appointed, not elected, Judge
6. Assume for argument that the Judge finds the federal carbon tax unconstitutional
7. Trudeau is within his rights to use the NWC to overturn this finding (3, 6)
8. But Ford should already know (7), since it follows directly from (3) and (6), and this means that he's wasted 30 000 000.
9. Assume for argument that the Judge finds the federal carbon tax constitutional.
10. Ford has again wasted 30 000 000.
11. Therefore, by parity of reasoning Ford is guaranteeing he's wasting 30 000 000. (8, 10)
But wait, it gets worse:
12. Ford proclaims he is a fiscal conservative.
13. Fiscal conservatives don't take actions that guarantee they'll waste 30 000 000.
14. Therefore, Ford isn't a fiscal conservative (12, 13)
15. Ford is a completely unprincipled moron and anyone who defends both his use of the NWC and at the same time his carbon tax lawsuit is also a moron (Inference to the Best Explanation from (12, 14).
Time to go find a hole for me to die in. The world is officially an indifferent machination of brute matter.