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Excellent heads-up. Since the term "creepy" is acceptable in some quarters for Brown (and I tend to agree), then the same applies to a number of women in high places. And that includes Raitt. After all, she did mix the concept of "sexy" with dirty politics. Must be a pervert...

In all seriousness, she's not the face of tomorrow, let alone today. There's something rather irksome and abrasive about her. Ditto all the Harperites.

I see only one viable possible candidate who could win the election, and do so with a clear majority: Mulroney. Ostensibly, Raitt, who actually was and is a cut above the bible-thumpers in Harper's Magazine, will support her.
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I don’t know how I feel about a reluctant newbie going straight to becomig Premier just because of her last name.

I’m sure Mulroney has great qualities, is very smart, is a fantastic lawyer, etc etc etc... but this just seems like a coronation of Brian Mulroney’s daughter. We know virtually nothing about Caroline Mulroney.

I guess that’ll get straightened out in a campaign but this is all so rushed that I’m worried that we’re just crowning someone with no political background who didn’t work her way to the top, simply because she’s a former prime minister’s daughter. Am I being too harsh? This just doesn’t feel right.
I don’t know how I feel about a reluctant newbie going straight to becomig Premier just because of her last name.

I’m sure Mulroney has great qualities, is very smart, is a fantastic lawyer, etc etc etc... but this just seems like a coronation of Brian Mulroney’s daughter. We know virtually nothing about Caroline Mulroney.

I guess that’ll get straightened out in a campaign but this is all so rushed that I’m worried that we’re just crowning someone with no political background who didn’t work her way to the top, simply because she’s a former prime minister’s daughter. Am I being too harsh? This just doesn’t feel right.

Couldn't you essentially make the exact same criticisms of Trudeau?
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He was. Remember, history is written by the victors.
Pffft. I'm currently half way through Manchester's epic biography of the man and have yet to find any evidence for Churchill being anything more than a megolomaniac and a bit of a racist who was quite awkward with the ladies because he talked too much about grand things, one of which was himself. He sure as hell wasn't a greasy womaniser.
I guess that’ll get straightened out in a campaign but this is all so rushed that I’m worried that we’re just crowning someone with no political background who didn’t work her way to the top, simply because she’s a former prime minister’s daughter. Am I being too harsh? This just doesn’t feel right.

Yes, and not just a former PM's offspring, but that particular PM. Does anyone think that might not be an advantage for her?

Is Caroline Mulroney really all that popular on her own merits? I'm not a Tory, so I'm hardly in her target audience, but a lot of people are rather suspicious of political dynasties. And if her family name's going to be a selling point for her, then it's fair to point out that her scumbag daddy was one of the principle architects of the neoliberal/austerity school that's done so much for making the entire world into the sh*thole that we're all basically struggling in right now. Indeed, the most notable thing about Pa Mulroney's reign is that he saw the writing on the wall towards the end, and gutlessly slithered out of office to avoid the very public ass-kicking the country was ready to deliver to him in 1993.

(And he then had the sheer bloody nerve to later claim that if he'd still been the PM in that election, he thought the Tories would have won! This lead to my favorite cartoon by Terry Aislin, which depicted a slime-covered Mulroney leaning out of a garbage can, with a caption underneath that read, "Oh Shut Up!")

Couldn't you essentially make the exact same criticisms of Trudeau?

Of course, but there are people who dislike Trudeau for that very reason. That's the point.
@MetroMan , no not too harsh. Dynastic politics and aristocracy is what all our ancestors left behind whence they came. You got the job because you were the son of the count or the king or if you were a woman, you married so-and-so. The rise of dynastic politics in North America is largely a step backwards I believe.

I’d say you have this right.

Colin Vaughan / Adam Vaughan
Mike Colle / Josh Colle
Doug Ford Sr. / Rob Ford
George H. W. Bush / George W. Bush
Bill Clinton / Hillary Clinton (spouse)
Belinda Stronach / Frank Stronach - not the same - but daughter of.

On the probably performed better scale...

Elmer Mackey / Peter Mackey
Justin Trudeau / Pierre Trudeau

Probably nothing better than a term in the trenches on the back bench for Ms. Mulroney to ensure she has her feet on he ground.
J'Accuse Aussi!

Ah, but I'm afraid this isn't salacious enough! How can the voracious hordes do their lynching when the peccadillo is so small? Eat your Greens!
Elizabeth May can't possibly be worse than me at work in how I speak to my colleagues at times. We usually yell it out and get on with the day and are still friends at the end of it. I must admit, stress does get to me at times. I truly think some people are too soft for their own good and feel bad for them as they try to navigate a world that they believe should be made up of smiles, rainbows and rooms full of blankies and pillows.
Yes, and not just a former PM's offspring, but that particular PM. Does anyone think that might not be an advantage for her?

Is Caroline Mulroney really all that popular on her own merits? I'm not a Tory, so I'm hardly in her target audience, but a lot of people are rather suspicious of political dynasties. And if her family name's going to be a selling point for her, then it's fair to point out that her scumbag daddy was one of the principle architects of the neoliberal/austerity school that's done so much for making the entire world into the sh*thole that we're all basically struggling in right now. Indeed, the most notable thing about Pa Mulroney's reign is that he saw the writing on the wall towards the end, and gutlessly slithered out of office to avoid the very public ass-kicking the country was ready to deliver to him in 1993.

(And he then had the sheer bloody nerve to later claim that if he'd still been the PM in that election, he thought the Tories would have won! This lead to my favorite cartoon by Terry Aislin, which depicted a slime-covered Mulroney leaning out of a garbage can, with a caption underneath that read, "Oh Shut Up!")

Of course, but there are people who dislike Trudeau for that very reason. That's the point.
I mean, I am willing to give Caroline the benefit of the doubt that the daughter is not the father.

If we held Justin to the same standard as Pierre, then Justin would have been utterly unelectable in Quebec.
I mean, I am willing to give Caroline the benefit of the doubt that the daughter is not the father.

If we held Justin to the same standard as Pierre, then Justin would have been utterly unelectable in Quebec.
The key word is "electability".

Trudeau is due many criticisms, but his poll ratings are still holding up, even after some serious gaffes. Who in the OntCon congress could do same, and still have the power to lead the party, the province and still win the next election after? I see no-one. I see a fractious bunch of backstabbers, where really talented members don't stand a chance, as they're too 'nice' (genuinely, and Chong rings the gong on that score)...the party as *seen from the outside* is begging for someone to to go in and install leadership to the point of being electable. Mulroney is that person, no matter what labels are pasted on her luggage.

This would be far from the first time a parachuted leader has led a disparate horde to power.
yes - and Trudeau had zero educational experience for the job as well.
He had scads of "educational" experience. What he lacked was *practical experience* in politics.

He remains a very popular leader, and measured against many, quite effective. He's no Chretien, but the 'politically correct' would collect arenas full of peccadilloes on our old Jean.
yes - and Trudeau had zero educational experience for the job as well.

Sorry, he ran first as an MP in 2008 in a riding held by BQ - and didn't get run in the race as party leader until 2012/13. He most certainly didn't take the easy path and got parachuted in (not even a safe Liberal riding) - and definitely not from the outside into a party leadership position before becoming an elected representative first.

You will have to remind me which seat C. Mulroney currently sit on right now.

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Couldn't you essentially make the exact same criticisms of Trudeau?

That did come to mind and Trudeau is certainly PM in large part because of his famous last name but he did serve his time as an MP of Papineau and served as leader of the party for 2 years before becoming Prime Minister. Trudeau will be in politics for 10 years as of this year.

Mulroney on the other hand is going from having to be convinced to run in a guaranteed riding, chosen by the party by accalamation and now being all but chosen to lead a party that is the default favourite in a cycle where the incumbent is long past due to be removed.
Excellent heads-up. Since the term "creepy" is acceptable in some quarters for Brown (and I tend to agree), then the same applies to a number of women in high places. And that includes Raitt. After all, she did mix the concept of "sexy" with dirty politics. Must be a pervert...

In all seriousness, she's not the face of tomorrow, let alone today. There's something rather irksome and abrasive about her. Ditto all the Harperites.

I see only one viable possible candidate who could win the election, and do so with a clear majority: Mulroney. Ostensibly, Raitt, who actually was and is a cut above the bible-thumpers in Harper's Magazine, will support her.

Kathleen set the bar for creepy.
Elizabeth May can't possibly be worse than me at work in how I speak to my colleagues at times. We usually yell it out and get on with the day and are still friends at the end of it. I must admit, stress does get to me at times. I truly think some people are too soft for their own good and feel bad for them as they try to navigate a world that they believe should be made up of smiles, rainbows and rooms full of blankies and pillows.

If you didn't sell yourself as someone believing in smiles, rainbows, rooms of blankies and pillow, sure - if you sold yourself as such, and then act in such a manner contrary to this expectation you have set for yourself then the dreaded H word applies.

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