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I know a number of males who, while not fans of Wynne, will vote Liberal if they feel that is the best way to keep Ford out. They may also vote NDP.
She didn't just say they look like ninjas. She said they shouldn't be allowed to dress that way. Comparing them to her child dressed up like Spider -Man is a bit much too.

Ok, now we're getting somewhere. Saying anyone's not allowed to wear whatever they want is a bit much indeed. People can wear whatever they want. Saying someone looks like a ninja is just......well, nothing.

If you consider it acceptable for an elected official to discriminate against an entire culture based on how they dress, then I guess she's the candidate for you.

Oh yeah, she's most definitely the candidate for me. As soon as she turns into a completely different person who espouses the same values as me that is.
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She didn't just say they look like ninjas. She said they shouldn't be allowed to dress that way. Comparing them to her child dressed up like Spider -Man is a bit much too.

If you consider it acceptable for an elected official to discriminate against an entire culture based on how they dress, then I guess she's the candidate for you.

The issue is as a Muslim, the Burqa is not a religious outfit but a cultural one and many immigrants have come from countries with many backward cultural practices and have abandoned them as they realize Canada is a secular progressive nation. Most Muslims also find the Burqa itself to be a very backward practice that showed be thrown to the wayside.

So I do agree banning the burqa is wrong but in my opinion, but one also has the right to not like it either.

I know a number of males who, while not fans of Wynne, will vote Liberal if they feel that is the best way to keep Ford out. They may also vote NDP.

The issue is if they live in a riding that is traditionally liberal or not because its more the 905 the liberals have to salvage if they want to form govt.

As I said, I think you guys just dont understand how unpopular Wynne is outside Toronto.

Every poll has shown that Fords strength is males and as we saw down south if they are riled up they will vote lol.
However, I do feel the need to say, in fairness, that @MTown made quite clear his disdain for the candidate in question.

Yeah, I thought I had.

His query, I think ( though I should leave him to speak for himself ) was whether her off-colour, odd-ball, even stupefying remarks, as quoted in the article in question merited the degree of offense and alarmism indicated.

That's it!

Now don't get me started on her (past?) views on Conversion Therapy.........but that's a whole different............

I'm sure conversion therapy works in that you can psychologically cajole people into doing all sorts of things. No wait, I'm guessing she thinks (thought?) it was ethical. Yeah, she's no friend of mine.
905, 705, 416 and some other area codes that I don’t know because cell phones.

Recognizing Wynne’s unpopularity doesn’t equate to rolling over and handing Doug the win. There is a third alternative. I would love to vote FOR someone rather than against someone, but that isn’t looking likely.

I want Doug to answer questions. For example, just how would firing the hydro CEO (which he can’t do) save money and solve the Hydro problem? I can only imagine the severance package that’s in place, so that move would cost us. But neither Doug nor his followers let facts or reality get in their way.
So I do agree banning the burqa is wrong but in my opinion, but one also has the right to not like it either.

...and make jokes at its expense. Just as with those sweatpant-wearing chavs! (For which I have yet to be denounced even though chavs are people too).
I want Doug to answer questions. For example, just how would firing the hydro CEO (which he can’t do) save money and solve the Hydro problem? I can only imagine the severance package that’s in place, so that move would cost us. But neither Doug nor his followers let facts or reality get in their way.

Did you see his attempt at answering questions regarding this? It's a joke. He actually just ran away and passed it off to a competent person who immediately gave the lie to Ford's assertion only to also follow that with more nonsensical "trust me".
905, 705, 416 and some other area codes that I don’t know because cell phones.

Recognizing Wynne’s unpopularity doesn’t equate to rolling over and handing Doug the win. There is a third alternative. I would love to vote FOR someone rather than against someone, but that isn’t looking likely.

I want Doug to answer questions. For example, just how would firing the hydro CEO (which he can’t do) save money and solve the Hydro problem? I can only imagine the severance package that’s in place, so that move would cost us. But neither Doug nor his followers let facts or reality get in their way.

Doug will say "wtf you guys been doing for 15 years" to the liberals...

So you can say Ford is being an idiot on this file but the Liberals have acted against the interest of the people on the Hydro file many times.

Ford wants to make electricity an issue because it's the liberals Achilles Heel

This will not be an election based on conventional logic, it will be based on narratives really.
The issue is as a Muslim, the Burqa is not a religious outfit but a cultural one and many immigrants have come from countries with many backward cultural practices and have abandoned them as they realize Canada is a secular progressive nation. Most Muslims also find the Burqa itself to be a very backward practice that showed be thrown to the wayside.

So I do agree banning the burqa is wrong but in my opinion, but one also has the right to not like it either.
20 years ago forcing women to dress in a Burqa would have been seen as cruel and misogynistic. Now its viewed differently. Things are changing so fast now its hard to keep up.
Right, but then what would his government actually accomplish?

Firing the CEO of Hydro One (which they can't do anyway) will do nothing to move hydro prices (except maybe up to compensate for his termination fee).

Anyone who would consider voting for the PCs based on Doug Ford claiming he'll sack the CEO of Hydro One "because something needs to be done about electricity prices" is--I want to choose my words carefully--.......a fool/simple-minded/intellectually stunted/ignorant.
They should be made aware of this and the facts of the matter.

I think he showed his true colours with this one: he doesn't know wtf he's talking about. He's all about spouting a bunch of rubbish in a loud voice, getting idiotic soundbites that entice simple-minded people, and having his face in front of the cameras (unless, of course, those cameras are accompanied by journalists asking questions).
Right, but then what would his government actually accomplish?

Firing the CEO of Hydro One (which they can't do anyway) will do nothing to move hydro prices (except maybe up to compensate for his termination fee).

Anyone who would consider voting for the PCs based on Doug Ford claiming he'll sack the CEO of Hydro One "because something needs to be done about electricity prices" is--I want to choose my words carefully--.......a fool/simple-minded/intellectually stunted/ignorant.
They should be made aware of this and the facts of the matter.

I think he showed his true colours with this one: he doesn't know wtf he's talking about. He's all about spouting a bunch of rubbish in a loud voice, getting idiotic soundbites that entice simple-minded people, and having his face in front of the cameras (unless, of course, those cameras are accompanied by journalists asking questions).

And the liberals will say they will reduce Hydro prices and then say after the election it was a strech goal...

I be honest I hand control to a monkey then the Ontario Liberals on the issue on Hydro.
20 years ago forcing women to dress in a Burqa would have been seen as cruel and misogynistic. Now its viewed differently. Things are changing so fast now its hard to keep up.

Dude, it's still cruel. In July I'm wearing almost nothing.

Whether or not people choose to wear a burqa is up to them. Whether or not some are coerced into it is another matter.
And the liberals will say they will reduce Hydro prices and then say after the election it was a strech goal...

I be honest I had control to a monkey then the Ontario Liberals on the issue on Hydro.

Yeah, I'd probably hand control of government to a monkey for a change just to watch how effective (or not!) our bureaucracy is. I'm telling you, between the judiciary and the bureaucracy running things we don't need a government.

How exactly can electricity prices be lowered without it costing us more money which is what the Liberals current plan is?
The issue is as a Muslim, the Burqa is not a religious outfit but a cultural one and many immigrants have come from countries with many backward cultural practices and have abandoned them as they realize Canada is a secular progressive nation. Most Muslims also find the Burqa itself to be a very backward practice that showed be thrown to the wayside.

So I do agree banning the burqa is wrong but in my opinion, but one also has the right to not like it either.

Wait! Hold it! Stop!

I just saw an entirely moderate, reasonable, thoughtful statement from you!

Don't ruin it, this is.................oh......damn.........was your moment to shine! LOL
Wait! Hold it! Stop!

I just saw an entirely moderate, reasonable, thoughtful statement from you!

Don't ruin it, this is.................oh......damn.........was your moment to shine! LOL guys are mean.

Don't worry, Jasmine, I got your back, bud.
