I agree with the rest. This I take exception to. He's well liked in the party. And Trudeau pigeon-holed him in Transport because he was a threat. Can't make waves there. Even though he's actually had some accomplishments (legislating drones and leading on the 737 debacle for example) in his portfolio.
While he's not Trudeau charismatic, he did okay during the leadership contest. And being Canada's first astronaut does have a certain cachet. He's sort of cut from the Paul Martin cloth. And there's plenty of moderate voters who'd be just fine with that. Me included. I'd pick him over Trudeau on competence for sure.
Fair enough.
Here's why I might be a bit harsher...........
Transport Canada still hasn't mandated truck sideguards that would prevent cyclists and for that matter small cars from being caught-up under a trailer.
This despite the industry lobby group officially coming around on the idea. Sigh.
Then there's unending VIA debacle; the failure to get anything through in the 1st term of any kind, not only no HFR/HSR type proposals for the corridor, but also none of the projects VIA's CEO mused about such as
better service to Sarnia or between the major Cities in the Maritimes.
Canada also hasn't made a move to require PTC, even though there's mandate for it in the United States.
Nor has there been a simple move to link approved train lengths to train siding lengths. (siding is 500M long (straight-away, excluding turnout) that's your length limit)
Passenger Bill of Rights is still a light-weight 1/2 measure in air travel; a simple rule is needed, you can't oversell, EVER. No such thing as selling a seat that isn't available. That would be seen as illegal in many sectors
of the economy, as well it should.
There have been insufficient moves to impose vehicle safety systems on all models of cars that would save lives. Rear view camera, side view camera, collision avoidance, lane-drift detection as examples.
Maybe my standards are too high; but I'm not a big fan of mediocrity.