Another "master plan" (Government-made map) -- as longshot or not -- but deserves being posted here in this thread, being a government-made map:
TTC 2018-2022 Corporate Plan
(Thanks nfitz for headsup)
This has a lot of consistencies with Metrolinx 2041 RTP already, and Metrolinx is funding some of this TTC Corporate Plan (e.g. Elginton Line 5 LRT -- the Crosstown -- is 100% funded by Metrolinx).
Very importantly, observe the Jane LRT (Line 8)
--> It supposedly died as part of the cancellation (by Rob Ford) of Transit City.
--> Now it is solidly part of multiple master plans at multiple government levels (and candidates) -- e.g. Metrolinx 2041, TTC Corporate Plan, Keesmat Plan -- all mention the Jane LRT. Thanks to Metrolinx, the political meddling of a Jane LRT survives into multiple masterplans.
Likewise, putting masterplanning into an arm's length agency (Metrolinx) can be a double edged sword -- for example, Doug Ford will probably make prioritization changes to Metrolinx (e.g. increasing priority of Niagara GO extension, for example) but this is at least already congruent to many existing routes already in Metrolinx 2041 plan. Flexibility to do more drasticness is limited. So it perceived as simply political reprioritization of pre-existing routes in long-term planning that currently has a higher success ratio than anytime in the last 50 years of Toronto/Ontario history (witness 2/3rd of Metrolinx 2031 RTP already has shovel action -- in RFQ/RFP, or under construction, or already built) -- in a checkered history of much more dismal successes of transit master plans.
So several routes never permanently gets wastefully cancelled, but 'optimized' by political parties. That is a double edged sword, but is far by a lesser of evil than the transit slaughter that happened in the 1990s (Harris / Rae era) where many plans got permanently cancelled.
The jury is still out when Jane LRT will get funded, but seeing it pop up repeatedly after Transit City Cancellation -- and seeing it enshrined in multiple masterplans at multiple government levels -- belies a greater promise that I've already written about in
the first post of this thread.
Transit plans are much more resurrectable/optimizable than they were in past decades. This is how I analyze this, and this is why I feel Metrolinx may have been one of the best things to ever happen to GTHA transit -- it's going to avoid a 1990s repeat.