Almost inconceivable 20 years ago? Really??? Dude, you're debating the wrong issue with the wrong guy!
Your personal favourite, the Finch Hydro Corridor multi-use trail was actually conceived about 30 years ago via advocacy by Clay McF (who lives near Leslie & Finch Hydro Corridor) of North York Cycling and Pedestrian Committee (later North York Bikes),.... Simple just put in multi-use trail on Finch Hydro Corridor that runs east-west from one end of the city to the other!
- took years of advocacy to get CityStaff to study it
- since Finch Hydro Corridor is Provincial Land (Ontario Hydro / Hydro ONE), needed Provincial OK - got it!
- CityStaff finally got Finch Hydro Corridor multi-use trail project to "Shovel Ready" state,... it took about 10 years to get to here!
- Now for Funding:
--- City wanted Province to pay 100% of cost since it's on Provincial land
--- Province wanted City to pay 100% of cost since City wanted to install the multi-use trail (any utility that install their infrastructure on Finch Hydro Corridor pays to install it!)
- This financial stalemate lasted over 5 years,...
- After going through Budget Committee and then Executive Committee, this little burb to continue made it to City Council on December 10, 2008 "80. Cycling Infrastructure projects consisting of the Finch and Gatineau Hydro Corridor Trail Projects in the amount of $3.100 and $25.690 million for a total project cost of $28.790 million included in the 5-Year Recommended Capital Plan be approved conditionally, subject to receiving funding from the Province."
Agenda Item History 2008.EX27.1
- City still insisting Province must pay since it's Provincial Land! Province refused to pay!
- Province insisting City must pay since City wants to install the multi-use trail. City refuse to pay!
But it's built now,... so who paid??? The Feds!
In October 2008, the Financial Market crashed,... Federal Government became desperate to pump money into the economy, to keep Canadians working - building Infrastructure! (Here, the US got hit harder because their Fed couldn't afford to pump as much into their economy) Our Feds were willing to pay for any "Shovel Ready" infrastructure project,.... and that's how the Finch Hydro Corridor Multi-Use Trails were financed - most of it anyways,.... City actually wanted the Feds to fund another multi-use trail project, but that wasn't "Shovel Ready", so no money! In Regent Park, their Aquatic Centre & Community Centre was built way before most of the new Regent Park towers were completed,... because it was by fluke "Shovel Ready" and ended up being funded by the Feds desperate to fund any "Shovel Ready" Infrastructure Projects to create jobs! Contrast this to the new $85m Community Centre recently open at Bessarion Station - towards the tail end of Concord-Adex 23 towers Park Place condo project,... where the $85m of Section 37 Community Benefit money are collected bit by bit just before construction of each condo towers starts (condition of Building Permit).
Finch Hydro Corridor Multi-Use trail mainly opened in 2012 but still disjoint,... Needs bridge over Hwy 400 & 404 - while MTO reject it since construction will interfere with their highway traffic,... ditto for bridges over railway lines,... bridge over reservoir at G Ross Lord Park will never happen, City can't afford it so detour around!
BTW, I'm a former member of North York Cycling and Pedestrian Committee. And I would say Clay McF is the most respected Cycling Advocate around,... because he understands the design, engineering, process and what you can get away with and what you can't.