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I don't know where the Caste system point came from, but India still has a big social structure problem with it now that it's been abolished. I haven't seen anything to do with the caste system in Canada, but I know that in India there's still huge segregations, mainly the untouchables being shunned by a lot of society even though they're not technically confined to their castes.

But I don't think that point has much relevance here :p
Unfortunately, bigotry's not only confined to the Southern US. It's gaining a lot in continental Europe. I don't think it's too big in Britain and Germany (where things are pretty good for immigrants, if I remember.) But different races and cultures are definitely seeing a lot of anger on the continent. Canada's one of the only real safe places in the world for a person of any culture, along with the Western US coast and Australia (though I hear that Australia has some closeted issues with immigrants.) So maybe we're the odd ones out? I think it's safe to say we have the moral high ground though.
^You are stunned?

Seriously, where have you been?

This sort of racism/culturalism exists everywhere I've been in Canada, from an Amish man refusing to acknowledge my existence or even say hello for being "English" to not getting a job in Burnaby BC because I wasn't Chinese.

I find that the trendy word today is "culturalism" which imho, really just means PC racism.

There's still a hidden caste system in India and even Indian households in NA. A guy I used to work with owned a leather business had trouble dating East Indian women due to their distaste for someone from the lower caste.
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I don't know where the Caste system point came from, but India still has a big social structure problem with it now that it's been abolished. I haven't seen anything to do with the caste system in Canada, but I know that in India there's still huge segregations, mainly the untouchables being shunned by a lot of society even though they're not technically confined to their castes.

An excellent example of what is going on in india is this construction of a big damn. They displaced poor farmers, of a minority group and did not give a rats ass about their wellbeing or survival. Who cares for those mofos is more or less the official policy. A woman activist tried to help them out and she was arrested!
Caste system and segregation exist and persist, in many countries regardless of there being an official thing that states equality. Equality on paper does not work out in reality.

Like with the example of that chinatown article - which keithz owes us now - white man will come up with zoning or a whole host of stuff in order to abuse the one that is different, or as ed said calls, the oriental.

Except, the stock of immigrants you seek come from countries where the conditions are rapidly improving and can hardly be categorized as "miserable". You'll have a harder and harder time convincing Eastern Europeans to migrate as time passes...just like how Western European migration has all but dried up over the years.

lol, man, you have no idea how miserable eastern europe still is. Millions of eastern europeans fled eastern europe to the west when the doors opened. Millions. Estimates say up to 2 million polish alone. In Poland there was 20% unemployment until the eu opened its doors to their cheap labor. Heck, even small bulgaria lost a million people. Imagine that, one million people leaving such a small country... you really need to look into how miserable eastern europe is. What is it, a quarter of lithuania's or latvia's population left? To quote my lithuanian friend "everyone who can left chose to do so"...

Is there a religion that's not a way of life? My parents are staunch Catholics. You can bet that their faith certainly requires that they conduct their lives a certain way. Heck, we have priests who tell us to vote with our conscience (code for vote pro-life). How is that any different?

It's more so in Islam than in other religions. I am a bit disgusted with fundamentalist christians though.

Kinda like how many "white" jewish families teach their kids to read Hebrew so they can get throught the Torah?

At least the torah can be written and is written in english. There are those torahs that have english one one page and hebrew on the other. Islam however says no to english, this damn language of the infidels. It's arabic man, world rotates around mecca, remember? Pray five times a day and follow a certain life style that makes you incompatible where ever you go. Kinda like those puritans who fled Britain to settle in the US in the early years... only those sons of bitches were monsters, trying to convert everyone no matter what - the persecutors had to leave, and they called themselves the persecuted. Same thing with islam when they say "oh noes we need more tolerance" - no we don't, they do.

Hm, what's a good thing to refer to go to in case you do not believe that the so called oppressed that came to america were actually oppressors... hmm... damn puritans... ah, I got it, look into the book Albion's Seed.

Really? So all the Serbs who cling together in Mississauga are an exception too? What about the Ukraininian communities in the Prairies, who generations later still speak the language and make delicious pergoies?

Perogies suck! Damned ukies and other such slavs.
As for the serbs... perhaps soem cling together - but their numbers are small and they have assimilated very well. Some 95% or more of them do not speak serbian when amongst one another. Even at their own folklore they speak english. It's all totally into english. Hell, even with two parents speaking serbian at home it is more common than not to see the kids speaking english. Serbs have totally lost their culture and ways that it is more or less creepy. That's why I was saying some time ago that what would be really good for serbian culture is if we got bombed again, only that way can the damned serbs re-awaken back to their roots and whatnot. That happened in 1999... everyone was a radical then, we all supported our workers socialism and united against the bombs overhead.

If the complaint is that there's too much Chinese being spoken, then whether it's tourist kische or not is irrelevant. You'll find the most Chinese being spoken in Chinatown. And if you can still get by in Chinatown in English, then I fail to see the problem....unless of course, you are a bigot and just don't like to hear anybody talking Chinese near you too often.

Well what happens when in mr immigration hype's scenario if we get 3 million chineese into etobicoke. Suppose the stork just drops them there. I'll tell you what will happen - we will have to learn english to get jobs, just like how in the SW US people have to know spanish. It was not like that once, but times change. It can go to the extreme, when the minority become the majority and wants to break off to have their own country.

If that's the road you are going down, we have bigger problems. We need immigrants simply to sustain ourselves. If Europe won't provide enough, then regardless of your opinion on the integratability of African migrants, we are unlikely to have any choice but to source migrants from there.

I think the problem is being approached wrong. More should be done on fixing the problem from inside.

But other than that, you've yet to show a single link pointing to mass protests and public resistance to demographic changes in Canada since non-white immigration was stepped up in the 1970s. Please show me where we had Chicago style race riots since after Trudeau opened up immigration to non-whites and Mulroney upped the quotas in the 1980s.

Please, the migration by then was not so big. Even in the US the racial stuff cooled down, mainly because migration stopped. Rapid change is bad, that's the point.
In Canada, I do not see humongous numbers flooding in. It can not even be compared to the black migration up to big US cities.

What this topic calls for is these huge numbers of different people to just fall into canada. There are few things that can destabilize the country more than that.
An excellent example of what is going on in india is this construction of a big damn. They displaced poor farmers, of a minority group and did not give a rats ass about their wellbeing or survival. Who cares for those mofos is more or less the official policy. A woman activist tried to help them out and she was arrested!
Caste system and segregation exist and persist, in many countries regardless of there being an official thing that states equality. Equality on paper does not work out in reality.

Except there's widespread on ignorance on the interplay between caste and class. And while there might be some issues lingering, every Indian (and I am one) will tell you that they are rapidly disappearing. Kinda hard to ignore a marriage proposal from an untouchable when he's made a fortune as an IT professional. The lingering issues that are there, can be compared to the impact of segregation in the US. It caused poverty and social stratification, which will take some time to erase. But to suggest that Indians practice the caste system like they did even prior to independence is absolutely ludicrous and ignorant.

Like with the example of that chinatown article - which keithz owes us now - white man will come up with zoning or a whole host of stuff in order to abuse the one that is different, or as ed said calls, the oriental.

So your justification for excluding certain ethnic groups from increased immigration quotas is that it might offend the sensibilities of white people at home?

Show me where the majority of Canadians today support such bigotry. We all know that things were a lot different two generations ago. Heck, they would have been just as offended if you or I moved in. Canadians are different today. You fail to recognize that.

Even beyond that though, you have to yet to show anything backing up your thesis that we'd see race riots if non-white immigration increases.

lol, man, you have no idea how miserable eastern europe still is. Millions of eastern europeans fled eastern europe to the west when the doors opened. Millions. Estimates say up to 2 million polish alone. In Poland there was 20% unemployment until the eu opened its doors to their cheap labor. Heck, even small bulgaria lost a million people. Imagine that, one million people leaving such a small country... you really need to look into how miserable eastern europe is. What is it, a quarter of lithuania's or latvia's population left? To quote my lithuanian friend "everyone who can left chose to do so"...

Yet, remarkably they are not coming in droves to the Canadian embassy to apply for immigration. They may leave home, but by and large they prefer to stay within the EU then come across the pond. And even that pattern will diminish as Eastern Europe develops....something that's happening at a remarkable clip.

It's more so in Islam than in other religions.

Really? Do you even have close Muslim friends? You'd be surprised at how they assimilate. Most Muslims I know for example will drink. They just don't do it to excess and do it in public. Just because you don't know too many Muslims or understand their cultural dynamics when they migrate does not mean that what you assume to be true automatically is. That's the height of both your arrogance and ignorance.

At least the torah can be written and is written in english. There are those torahs that have english one one page and hebrew on the other.

How many Bar/Bat Mitzvahs you been to where they read the good book in English?

Islam however says no to english, this damn language of the infidels. It's arabic man, world rotates around mecca, remember? Pray five times a day and follow a certain life style that makes you incompatible where ever you go. Kinda like those puritans who fled Britain to settle in the US in the early years... only those sons of bitches were monsters, trying to convert everyone no matter what - the persecutors had to leave, and they called themselves the persecuted. Same thing with islam when they say "oh noes we need more tolerance" - no we don't, they do.

More ignorant crap. So now we should exclude people solely because they practice their religion? Are you going to send out the stazi next time my mom says the rosary on the subway ride to work?

Hm, what's a good thing to refer to go to in case you do not believe that the so called oppressed that came to america were actually oppressors... hmm... damn puritans... ah, I got it, look into the book Albion's Seed.

The way you quote books and book titles is proof enough that access to knowledge or an education can still leave one ignorant and as dumb as rocks.

Perogies suck! Damned ukies and other such slavs.
As for the serbs... perhaps soem cling together - but their numbers are small and they have assimilated very well.

Right. And that's why they cling together? And no it's not a few. It's virtually the entire Serbian community in the GTA. One of my best friends is Serbian. He often tells me, he's glad he left TO because it was getting hard for him to get out more and meet non-Serbs.

And its not just the Serbs. Watch how the Italians date, do business, etc. Even after generations, they will still prefer other Italians to anybody else, particularly non-whites. I have found it hilarious that there's so much in common between the mentality of Italians and Indians. Maybe that's why Sonia Gandhi is so popular in India!

Some 95% or more of them do not speak serbian when amongst one another.

I can pull some number out of my ass that says the majority of them do. But hey, you barely even visit the GTA annually, so you must know more than me.

Even at their own folklore they speak english. It's all totally into english. Hell, even with two parents speaking serbian at home it is more common than not to see the kids speaking english. Serbs have totally lost their culture and ways that it is more or less creepy.

So you find it creepy that Serbs have lost their culture but then condemn those who seek to preserve their culture? Interesting double standard you have there.

Well what happens when in mr immigration hype's scenario if we get 3 million chineese into etobicoke.

The same thing that happened when you got a million chinese into Scarborough, Richmond Hill and Markham. Nothing. The rest of us got better Chinese food. And Chinese people started getting authentic pizza from the family owned Italian pizza joints.

Suppose the stork just drops them there. I'll tell you what will happen - we will have to learn english to get jobs, just like how in the SW US people have to know spanish. It was not like that once, but times change. It can go to the extreme, when the minority become the majority and wants to break off to have their own country.

Yet that has not happened in Canada. Look at how many Chinese people there are in the BC or in the GTA. You don't need to know Mandarin or Cantonese to get a job. Might not hurt to know another language. But it's definitely not required.

As for the your ignorance is really starting to show. You do know that Spanish has always been spoken in the Southwestern US right? They were after all part of Mexico until a century and a half ago. Complaining that people speak Spanish there is like moving to Quebec and complaining that not everybody speaks and does everything in English. Are you just not happy that the Americans didn't wipe out the existing Spanish speaking locals and suppress the culture and language?

And more than that, the US has no official language. So working in either English or Spanish is perfectly legal and acceptable.

I think the problem is being approached wrong. More should be done on fixing the problem from inside.

And more is being done in some parts. Quebec now has a fertility rate that's higher than replacement. But they've done it for cultural reasons...just like how they get to pick their own immigrants (which is what made the assertion that they lost because of immigrants particularly ridiculous).

However, nothing happens overnight. And given the trends, we'll need immigration for decades to come, even if we were to succeed at increasing the national fertility rate. So the conversation on immigration is entirely valid.

Please, the migration by then was not so big. Even in the US the racial stuff cooled down, mainly because migration stopped. Rapid change is bad, that's the point.
In Canada, I do not see humongous numbers flooding in.

Are you daft, ignorant, illiterate or a combination of all that? Did you not read or understand what I wrote?

Trudeau opened up to non-white immigration (it was a trickle prior to that) expanding on Pearson's policies on immigration (who had already shown an intention to open up to non-whites). Canada's population has gone up about 40% since the Trudeau era. And that was almost entirely due to immigration. And more specifically non-white immigration.

Yet despite all that where's this social upheaval you talk about.

Can you even bother to Wiki some basics before spouting off crap?

It can not even be compared to the black migration up to big US cities.

Riiiight. People in Toronto and Vancouver would say different. Heck, Toronto was definitely a lot whiter 20 years ago when I was in grade school. Yet, remarkably, not a single race riot in that time.

And again your ignorance on context is appaling. You really don't think their history of slavery, segregation and racial tensions that persist to this day, had an impact on race relations in American urban areas? It's all the fault of the black people for moving in? Are you a fan of segregation? Could have had a lot less problems if the whites and the negros stayed apart right?

Given that Canada does not have the same history of acrimonious race relations, I fail to see what the American experience applies here.

What this topic calls for is these huge numbers of different people to just fall into canada.

No, what this topic calls for is an increase in immigration....involving immigrants that we would seek to we do now. Nobody is advocating that we bring them by the planeloads just them off at Pearson. SiP never said he wanted Canada to be a dumping ground for the world.

But whatever, being the bigot that you are, you simply got alarmed that the coloureds were coming. Say, aren't you a little late for your white power meeting? They'll be far more receptive to your idea about how immigration from "white" countries is better.

There are few things that can destabilize the country more than that.

...if we weren't integrating immigrants. Canada's proven track record on that front says otherwise. Our Muslims haven't turned Toronto into Londonistan (and I say that as a former intelligence professional who was concerned about the issue). Heck, I don't think there's been a more co-operative Muslim community in the Western world. But then again, our intelligence services actually try and work with the ethnic communities. Nor have our various ethnicities ever seen tensions rise to the point of violence. You keep worrying that people won't get along. Where's the proof?

Canada works. It is the land that Lennon sang about.
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At least the torah can be written and is written in english. There are those torahs that have english one one page and hebrew on the other. Islam however says no to english, this damn language of the infidels. It's arabic man, world rotates around mecca, remember? Pray five times a day and follow a certain life style that makes you incompatible where ever you go. Kinda like those puritans who fled Britain to settle in the US in the early years... only those sons of bitches were monsters, trying to convert everyone no matter what - the persecutors had to leave, and they called themselves the persecuted. Same thing with islam when they say "oh noes we need more tolerance" - no we don't, they do.
I have tonnes of Muslim friends who barely know what shalom means. But is it even that big a deal if Canadian Muslims learn Arabic for Islam? Or are they all going to turn into segregated communities that'll give birth to terrorists? There are plenty of Muslims in India, but they don't all speak Arabic (I don't know how many of them even know Arabic.) They all speak the language of the region.
And again, I'm ok if we get areas with chinese or indian majorities to start speaking and doing business in mandarin or hindi. You'd still be able to get around in English (just as you can get around Quebec pretty well in English,) but there'll be an extra layer of cultural diversity, and I think it'd be easier for people living their to keep their old cultures. Some communities may evolve like this and people settle there with the chance, while others will just integrate into the existing cultural landscape just like they are today.

kEiThZ said:
And its not just the Serbs. Watch how the Italians date, do business, etc. Even after generations, they will still prefer other Italians to anybody else, particularly non-whites. I have found it hilarious that there's so much in common between the mentality of Italians and Indians. Maybe that's why Sonia Gandhi is so popular in India!
I actually don't have any problem with that. I think that having ethnic enclaves and distinct cultural communities is a great thing, provided they aren't segregated like communities in the US. And while some immigrants may go into their own ethnic communities, others will just integrate right into Canadian society and culture. I think that doubling the immigration rate is a good place to start, as we can see that there are almost no problems with current immigration. If we could get more of these immigrants to go to places like the Maritimes which don't see the levels of immigration Toronto does, we'd be able to integrate more nationwide. Others would settle into more ethnic communities/regions like Markham or Brampton, while some may go into almost totally separate communities. I think there's room for all of these in Canada.

kEiThZ said:
And more is being done in some parts. Quebec now has a fertility rate that's higher than replacement. But they've done it for cultural reasons...just like how they get to pick their own immigrants (which is what made the assertion that they lost because of immigrants particularly ridiculous).

However, nothing happens overnight. And given the trends, we'll need immigration for decades to come, even if we were to succeed at increasing the national fertility rate. So the conversation on immigration is entirely valid.
Does Quebec actually have a 2.1 fertility rate? Or does it just have a higher birth rate than people are currently dying? IIRC, Quebec's fertility rate is the highest in Canada, but still not high enough to reach at least long term sustainability.

As countries become more advanced, there's been a trend that sees that the fertility rate actually goes up after the first big drop down, to a sustainable number in the mid 2's. However, this doesn't require an economic or industrial development but more of a social one, and I think has only been seen in specific communities. The birth rate will eventually go up, but it'll take decades for that to happen. Even if it was to go up to 2.8 in a year, there will still be problems in supporting our baby boomers if we weren't to have immigration. While I totally disagree with the current way of economics which necessitates growth for an economy to be going well, that's what we're in, so the faster an economy can grow the better it is.

So, may we ignore LAz's ignorant and stupid remarks so we could discuss how higher immigration levels might work?
I think Canada should offer a better English language education system to new immigrants. They have done something in Quebec with teaching new immigrants french at a very quick pace.

From a personal experience I have neighbours who are European and have been living in Canada for 20 years; I still cannot understand them half the time.

How do people feel about all new non-english/french speaking immigrants having oral and written examination every few years to ensure that newcomers are learning the language(s) of Canada?
I think Canada should offer a better English language education system to new immigrants. They have done something in Quebec with teaching new immigrants french at a very quick pace.

Fully agree. Quebec takes newcomers learning the language seriously. The rest of Canada doesn't. There's some classes offered. But nothing like what Quebec offers immigrants and it shows. Immigrants in Quebec master french quickly. In the rest of Canada, results are mixed.

How do people feel about all new non-english/french speaking immigrants having oral and written examination every few years to ensure that newcomers are learning the language(s) of Canada?

The problem is how we enforce the existing standard. I don't think you need regular testing. Economic migrants have to meet language standards simply to get in to Canada. The interviews for residency are conducted in English or French to ensure that you can actually get by in the language. And they have to have a sufficiently passable knowledge of English or French to get through the Citizenship process.

The problem is family class migration, where we don't set the bar that high....the thinking being that your grandma from ye olde country shouldn't need to know the language to get by. Except, that exception is then applied to working age migrants who come here sponsored and then don't bother or get the chance to learn the language when they work for family businesses and stick to social interactions within the community. Either we raise the bar on the citizenship requirement. Or we should start demanding that all immigrants pass language standards prior to getting permanent residency in Canada. I support the former. The latter would be too hard on refugees and some family class migrants.
So, may we ignore LAz's ignorant and stupid remarks so we could discuss how higher immigration levels might work?

The biggest one the government needs to address is the issue of professional qualifications. I know the reasons why we have the status quo. But that still does not help immigrants. Barely anything has changed from 20 years when I family first moved here.

In the meantime, Canada is quickly losing the best immigrants to countries like Australia that have made a concrete effort to recognize foreign qualifications. It's much easier for an engineer or accountant to move from India to Australia than to Canada. And as a result, in Asia at least, Australia is now the new hotspot, having dethroned Canada.

We shouldn't be having doctors and engineers drivings cabs. Fix that problem and then at least demand might pick up and we might actually start meeting our quota every year. Talk about ramping up immigration is utterly useless if nobody wants to come here.

Other than that, given that a huge chunk of immigration comes from family class, we don't have to do much to bulk up the numbers. Increase economic migration a little, and lots of extended families will follow.

The only programs I would increase are for economic migrants and for students. We should be trying to get as many as students as possible. Australia has made an industry out of it. We can do one better by given them a path to residency. The current policy has some kinks which need working out.

But this also needs the co-operation of the provinces. This is why I have always believed that we need to change our policy and make trades/professional regulation and the maintenance and management of post-secondary institutitions a federal responsibility. We have as many people as California but have 13 post-secondary education regulators? What a waste.
How do people feel about all new non-english/french speaking immigrants having oral and written examination every few years to ensure that newcomers are learning the language(s) of Canada?
I think that just offering better language programs would be a very good start.
If immigration was to be ramped up though, I'd like to see more in depth programs for immigrants. Language is a good one, but better job finding initiatives and such. I'd like to see better help for people wishing to start up small business too, and that's regardless of whether we increase immigration or not, but would be a huge help in allowing immigrants to integrate better into the economy.

kEiThZ said:
We shouldn't be having doctors and engineers drivings cabs. Fix that problem and then at least demand might pick up and we might actually start meeting our quota every year. Talk about ramping up immigration is utterly useless if nobody wants to come here.
Yes, yes, yes. This needs to be done ASAP, whether we let in more immigrants or not.
But if and when we are to do this, all these people with great qualifications moving into jobs that have high specialization and education will free up space for lower level office workers, and taxi drivers and such. And when you raise the roof of our economy by letting in more specialists and innovators like these people are certified to do, that opens up space for the economy to grow for more jobs in the lower rungs, so to say, meaning more room for immigration without any real major change to the way our economy is running.

EDIT: And the whole way the provinces interact with the feds is one big convoluted mess that needs serious sorting out, so no surprises that our education systems are confusing and inefficient. Our general political structure is just another thing to tick off that Canadians need to fix in the coming years and decades.
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I actually don't have any problem with that. I think that having ethnic enclaves and distinct cultural communities is a great thing, provided they aren't segregated like communities in the US. And while some immigrants may go into their own ethnic communities, others will just integrate right into Canadian society and culture. I think that doubling the immigration rate is a good place to start, as we can see that there are almost no problems with current immigration. If we could get more of these immigrants to go to places like the Maritimes which don't see the levels of immigration Toronto does, we'd be able to integrate more nationwide. Others would settle into more ethnic communities/regions like Markham or Brampton, while some may go into almost totally separate communities. I think there's room for all of these in Canada.

I agree for the most part. Regarding language policy, the most important thing for the Canadian and provincial governments to do right now is to ensure the survival of Aboriginal languages as living languages of communities. This would, in part, help heal the damage done by residential schools. Also worth noting is how the government of Nova Scotia is starting to recognize the importance of the Scottish Gaelic language in that province's history and have taken steps to ensure it's survival. We should focus on preserving unique Canadian dialects of languages from around the world: Canadian Gaelic, Ukrainian, etc. The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages provides a reasonable model that we should emmulate while respecting the primacy of English and French.

As countries become more advanced, there's been a trend that sees that the fertility rate actually goes up after the first big drop down, to a sustainable number in the mid 2's. However, this doesn't require an economic or industrial development but more of a social one, and I think has only been seen in specific communities. The birth rate will eventually go up, but it'll take decades for that to happen. Even if it was to go up to 2.8 in a year, there will still be problems in supporting our baby boomers if we weren't to have immigration. While I totally disagree with the current way of economics which necessitates growth for an economy to be going well, that's what we're in, so the faster an economy can grow the better it is.

This planet's resources are finite. We face the very real possibility of a Malthusian catastrophe if current birthrates continue globally. I would suggest that the government makes it easier for Canadians to adopt internationally, though I realize that the international adoption system is plagued with problems right now. There are, however, countless AIDS orphans throughout the world who could use a better home.

So, may we ignore LAz's ignorant and stupid remarks so we could discuss how higher immigration levels might work?

Higher immigration (though not on the scale you're suggesting) could be achieved by significant reforms to the temporary worker program - a program very easily abused, but one that has the potential to gradually ease otherwise ineligible immigrants into our country. For example, let's say you, as a tobacco farming company in Southwest Ontario are allowed to bring in temporary workers and pay them cheap wages, but in return you must provide some sort of training that would make them useful in Canadian society as permanent residents and citizens. For example, we seem to always have a shortage of tradesmen. Why not have something like a four day rotating work week and then having training for two days a week? Afterall, these workers are paying taxes here and should receive some sort of benefit from it.

I think Canada should offer a better English language education system to new immigrants. They have done something in Quebec with teaching new immigrants french at a very quick pace.

I think Canada should offer a better English language education system to new immigrants. They have done something in Quebec with teaching new immigrants french at a very quick pace.

From a personal experience I have neighbours who are European and have been living in Canada for 20 years; I still cannot understand them half the time.

Quebec gets about twice as much money from the federal government to help get immigrants settled and speaking French than Ontario gets. As for people you cannot understand, patience, physical gestures, etc. go a long way. I once had to give an Italian man who spoke no English (a tourist) directions to Niagara Falls from Toronto using only Highway names and gestures. It took a little longer, but he eventually figured it out.

The problem is family class migration, where we don't set the bar that high....the thinking being that your grandma from ye olde country shouldn't need to know the language to get by. Except, that exception is then applied to working age migrants who come here sponsored and then don't bother or get the chance to learn the language when they work for family businesses and stick to social interactions within the community. Either we raise the bar on the citizenship requirement. Or we should start demanding that all immigrants pass language standards prior to getting permanent residency in Canada. I support the former. The latter would be too hard on refugees and some family class migrants.

I guess we're going to have to disagree on this point to a degree. I would be in favour of language testing for family class immigrants who fall within a certain age range. And before you or anyone else trots out the "grandmothers from the old country haven't contributed one tax dollar to our country and therefore they are a drain on our society," may I remind you that there are countless Canadian-born people who have never or rarely worked a job instead choosing a life of the same domestic work these grandmothers provide - we call them housewives (although apparently such a life is becoming more popular, though by no means widespread, amongst men). The elderly are also able to do volunteer work that, while not filling tax coffers, does a huge service to our country. Perhaps a volunteer hours quota, as we have for high school students, wouldn't be such a bad idea for non-working elderly family class immigrants. And if they don't speak English, there's usually plenty of opportunity to volunteer within their own community.
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The biggest one the government needs to address is the issue of professional qualifications. I know the reasons why we have the status quo. But that still does not help immigrants. Barely anything has changed from 20 years when I family first moved here.

In the meantime, Canada is quickly losing the best immigrants to countries like Australia that have made a concrete effort to recognize foreign qualifications. It's much easier for an engineer or accountant to move from India to Australia than to Canada. And as a result, in Asia at least, Australia is now the new hotspot, having dethroned Canada.

We shouldn't be having doctors and engineers drivings cabs. Fix that problem and then at least demand might pick up and we might actually start meeting our quota every year. Talk about ramping up immigration is utterly useless if nobody wants to come here.
In what ways can Canada improve its recognizing of foreign qualifications? I was under the (perhaps false) impression that we already do that, although certain professionals whose jobs can affect the public's safety (P.Engs, MDs, etc) must undergo a process to ensure their qualifications meet Canadian standards.
How do people feel about all new non-english/french speaking immigrants having oral and written examination every few years to ensure that newcomers are learning the language(s) of Canada?
And if they don't show satisfactory progress, then what consequences should they face?
I agree for the most part. Regarding language policy, the most important thing for the Canadian and provincial governments to do right now is to ensure the survival of Aboriginal languages as living languages of communities. This would, in part, help heal the damage done by residential schools. Also worth noting is how the government of Nova Scotia is starting to recognize the importance of the Scottish Gaelic language in that province's history and have taken steps to ensure it's survival. We should focus on preserving unique Canadian dialects of languages from around the world: Canadian Gaelic, Ukrainian, etc. The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages provides a reasonable model that we should emmulate while respecting the primacy of English and French.
I agree totally. We actually have a pretty rich language history, even ignoring all of our aboriginal languages. I know that Ireland and Scotland are trying to facilitate a Gaelic revival. It might be a good idea to get together with those countries and have a collective push to revive those languages, at least the big provinces where it once existed (I think mostly Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Northern Ontario?)
Aboriginal languages need a lot of work too, but there's many, many issues with aboriginal culture that need to be worked out. These and other issues should be tackled as soon as possible while the demographic's still relatively small, as I believe Aboriginals are the fastest growing demographic in the country.

This planet's resources are finite. We face the very real possibility of a Malthusian catastrophe if current birthrates continue globally. I would suggest that the government makes it easier for Canadians to adopt internationally, though I realize that the international adoption system is plagued with problems right now. There are, however, countless AIDS orphans throughout the world who could use a better home.
I agree totally, but in a more advanced country, those issues can be more easily circumnavigated than in an undeveloped society with very high population growth rate, or a developed society with a very low population growth rate. Since the planet's current growth isn't going to go away anytime soon (unfortunately,) we need to make sure that growth and the development that's occuring in these quickly growing countries has as low an environmental impact as possible. We do that by investing in the proper infrastructure and technology, as well as changing society in general in how a good lifestyle is defined.
I agree that we should be having more international adoptions, but I think that's more of a global system that needs work, rather than something which could be solved internally within the country.

Higher immigration (though not on the scale you're suggesting) could be achieved by significant reforms to the temporary worker program - a program very easily abused, but one that has the potential to gradually ease otherwise ineligible immigrants into our country. For example, let's say you, as a tobacco farming company in Southwest Ontario are allowed to bring in temporary workers and pay them cheap wages, but in return you must provide some sort of training that would make them useful in Canadian society as permanent residents and citizens. For example, we seem to always have a shortage of tradesmen. Why not have something like a four day rotating work week and then having training for two days a week? Afterall, these workers are paying taxes here and should receive some sort of benefit from it.
There's definitely a lot of potential in that.

Polkaroo said:
In what ways can Canada improve its recognizing of foreign qualifications? I was under the (perhaps false) impression that we already do that, although certain professionals whose jobs can affect the public's safety (P.Engs, MDs, etc) must undergo a process to ensure their qualifications meet Canadian standards.
Yes, that process is basically to completely retrain to certify their degree. It's much, much more complicated than just that.
