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"Most people with any awareness of the world..." = No true Scotsman and ad populum

"...not everybody in a given province or country supports the ruling party." = Straw man

"...lazy and reflects poorly on the person making them." = Ad hominem

If you want to argue from a position of intellectual superiority, I recommend tightening up the logical fallacies.
You're not accomplishing anything by trying to showboat. I get that you're probably working on your Rhetoric homework between games of D&D in your parents' basement, but you have yet to make a convincing argument that invalidates mine. The people who vote UCP are a minority in terms of the population, they in no way represent the will of the majority just because the party managed to win an election (quite narrowly, given the margin in some Calgary seats where a swing of a small number of votes the other way would have resulted in a much closer seat count).

And yes, anyone who extrapolates that all Albertans, or a majority of Albertans, feel or act a certain way because of what Danielle Smith says or does, is lazy and incurious. Would you have attested in 2016 that all Americans share Donald Trump's values given the fact that he won the presidential election? Of course not--he didn't even win a majority of votes nationwide.
You're not accomplishing anything by trying to showboat. I get that you're probably working on your Rhetoric homework between games of D&D in your parents' basement, but you have yet to make a convincing argument that invalidates mine. The people who vote UCP are a minority in terms of the population, they in no way represent the will of the majority just because the party managed to win an election (quite narrowly, given the margin in some Calgary seats where a swing of a small number of votes the other way would have resulted in a much closer seat count).

And yes, anyone who extrapolates that all Albertans, or a majority of Albertans, feel or act a certain way because of what Danielle Smith says or does, is lazy and incurious. Would you have attested in 2016 that all Americans share Donald Trump's values given the fact that he won the presidential election? Of course not--he didn't even win a majority of votes nationwide.
You could have just said that you don't know what any of those terms mean and saved a lot of keystrokes.
“…the people who vote UCP are a minority in terms of the population, they in no way represent the will of the majority just because the party managed to win an election…”

and you know they in no way represent the will of the majority how??? for all you know they represent an even higher percentage of those who didn’t vote than those who did (except those million or so albertans who aren’t eligible to vote, mostly because most of them are way too young to understand the choices).
The UCP voters usually show up in full force. Many seats won by the UCP have higher voter turnouts.
mostly because most of them are way too young to understand the choices).
I'll add that there's a substantial amount of immigrants that can't vote either. I don't remember the exact numbers (but I'll find it and post here), but AB has about 500 thousand permanent residents, a vast majority of which are of voting age, but since they're not citizens (for many reasons, the main one is being faced with the choice between forfeiting their home country citizenship for a Canadian one, or remaining as PRs , such as Chinese and Filipinos).
Is it any wonder why we're not meeting targets for carbon emissions. I have such little faith in the oil and gas industry leaders and this provincial government. Then again, how much of the public is willing to make any changes.

"The team looked at 3,500 different oil and gas facilities and 5,600 wells.

It concluded official government and industry estimates of methane emissions from Alberta’s oilpatch are 50 per cent too low."
^ my understanding is a lot of methane emissions are from poorly maintained leaky wellsites/plants and it again highlights a major issue within AB: fly by night upstream producers. It’s a common feature in downtown Calgary, previous senior mgmt from the energy majors set up “resource” companies to buy various productive but close to end of their life wells from their friends at the bigger players who don’t want the liability for pennies on the dollar, then proceed to run the leanest possible operations, extract as much value as they can out of those assets, and then go belly up as their wells become unproductive or energy prices sink, leaving us taxpayers with the mess. You can be your *** they are only doing the absolute most bare minimum maintenance to these assets, if any, because there are so many the AER can never keep up.

Farmers really get the short end of the stick. They get stuck with these wells on their properties with virtually no say in the matter, the asset owning companies are typically always late to pay their pittance they owe the landowners, and their trucks (when they do actually come to a wellhead) spread noxious/invasive weeds onto the landowner’s crops. And this is all before the well becomes unproductive or orphaned. No repercussions for this while these upstream companies rake in millions.
^ my understanding is a lot of methane emissions are from poorly maintained leaky wellsites/plants and it again highlights a major issue within AB: fly by night upstream producers. It’s a common feature in downtown Calgary, previous senior mgmt from the energy majors set up “resource” companies to buy various productive but close to end of their life wells from their friends at the bigger players who don’t want the liability for pennies on the dollar, then proceed to run the leanest possible operations, extract as much value as they can out of those assets, and then go belly up as their wells become unproductive or energy prices sink, leaving us taxpayers with the mess. You can be your *** they are only doing the absolute most bare minimum maintenance to these assets, if any, because there are so many the AER can never keep up.

Farmers really get the short end of the stick. They get stuck with these wells on their properties with virtually no say in the matter, the asset owning companies are typically always late to pay their pittance they owe the landowners, and their trucks (when they do actually come to a wellhead) spread noxious/invasive weeds onto the landowner’s crops. And this is all before the well becomes unproductive or orphaned. No repercussions for this while these upstream companies rake in millions.
It’s okay, though. We’ll get a moratorium on future projects just like we did with renewables. Our government told us that it was due to many of the same issues you mention, so word should be coming down any day now.

Any day…
The so called conservatives are setting up a new crown corporation, which I suppose will go nicely all their existing agencies, boards and commissions. And at least one less unsuccessful UCP candidate from the last election unemployed, I guess.

So here is a good question for journalists to ask - will this lead to crown corporation taking over our private power utilities? Like say in our neighbouring provinces of Saskatchewan or BC.

While we are at it, how about public auto insurance too? All this would probably give some of their supporters a stroke!
The so called conservatives are setting up a new crown corporation, which I suppose will go nicely all their existing agencies, boards and commissions. And at least one less unsuccessful UCP candidate from the last election unemployed, I guess.

So here is a good question for journalists to ask - will this lead to crown corporation taking over our private power utilities? Like say in our neighbouring provinces of Saskatchewan or BC.

While we are at it, how about public auto insurance too? All this would probably give some of their supporters a stroke!
Comrade Dani out here doing more to promote state owned corporations than the NDP did. We just gotta get the Feds to commit to a Canada wide auto insurance regulation and we'll get it!

I'm going to take a wild guess that this new crown corporation will be headquartered in her beloved Calgary.
Wait, an article from the Journal? I thought all of our news sources were coming out of the Herald?
