Senior Member
Just gets studied to death and delayed to another election. Then studied to death. Then promised at the end of that election. By then we will have had like 20 years of liberals. The PCs will take over. And it will be delayed indefinitely. This isn’t rocket science. Unless cash is going to flow it’s just an election promise. This is just an urban thread with lots of people who used to play with toy trains. Everyone is skeptical of election promises unless it is something they want. Then they believe anything.
TBH, I am very skeptical too, but it seems this is the furthest something HSR has actually gotten in Canada before. When I was in the RCN, I remember many promises of new ships and my attitude was "We are not getting new ships till I cross the brow, sail,go home and then cross the brow and sail again." HSR is much the same. However for this project, I am trying to be more optimistic. I know it may just be election promise carrots. I know that it could be cancelled within a year. I know that it could be canceled within 5 years. It won't ever get cheaper to build. It won't ever be easier to build. So, I am hopeful it does get built, but I also know it can be canceled at any time. This section, especially the Montreal - Ottawa - Toronto is the section in Canada that really needs it. I am hoping that enough politicians in as many parties see that and keep it going for the next 3+ elections.