I see this
list has two new Apple Stores coming to the outer fringes of the GTA:
Conestoga Mall - Waterloo (Ont.), Canada - In Jan. 2011 a black construction barricade appeared in front of space #138, the former Fairweather women's clothing store (46' wide, 4,537 s.f), and also part of the Le Chateau store next door (which renovated within the last year itself). Ivanhoe Cambridge has recently renovated and expanded the single-level mall to 656,000 s.f. with 120 shops and 7 anchors. [mall plan] [barricade photo] [pre-expansiona pdf / post-expansion] [Feb. 12 photo]
Mapleview Centre - Burlington (Canada) - A 2-level Ivanhoe Cambridge-operated mall with 625,000 s.f. and 154 shops at the western shore of Lake Ontario, and not far from Niagara Falls. The mall was renovated in early 2010. Unknown space within the mall, but probably BB33/223, formerly Jacob clothing (relocating), a 4,697 s.f. corner space. Job listings posted Feb. 21, 2011 for a Sept. grand opening. [possible location] updated
It has the former One Bloor, flagship store listed as Cancelled or ??