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wow, this is a thing of beauty! I am totally on board with what is drawn here! it almost brings a tear to my eye because the chances of it happening in the next 20 years are extremely slim. It is unfortunate that the money would have to come from tolls, but it is a very forward looking, long term vision... its exciting to imagine it up and running though!
It's insane to cancel Transity City, but I love the subway ambitions. Road tolls are the best part of this plan; I love how audaciously pro-transit, anti-car this is. The road tolls shouldn't end after the subway additions are built, however.
ya, personally I am not against the road tolls either... just saying that it likely wont be the politically popular thing as far as getting votes. But maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised! Its rare that such ambitious forward thinking is rewarded, so many people are happy to vote for whoever will promise some kind of tax cut.

anyone know where there is a larger version of this map? I'd really like to be able to read the station names on the proposed lines...
ya, personally I am not against the road tolls either... just saying that it likely wont be the politically popular thing as far as getting votes. But maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised! Its rare that such ambitious forward thinking is rewarded, so many people are happy to vote for whoever will promise some kind of tax cut.

anyone know where there is a larger version of this map? I'd really like to be able to read the station names on the proposed lines...

I don't disagree with the idea of tolls, but $5 a trip seems a bit steep. It's the same reason I would never take the 407.

For the record, I don't usually commute by car, but I have been for the last few months due to circumstance.
perhaps the $5 is a bit steep, but the knowledge of where the money is going to seriously eases that concern for me. The 407 being a for profit company its a bit harder to swallow paying their outrageous rates. So would this all be electronically done as well? Where would the entry points for the tolling be located? ... it could be quite chaotic as cheap people try to bail off the highway and take a surface route to avoid the toll!
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The smart way is to do the way they do it on the 407 which is tolling by distance. Every entrance and exit would be electronically monitored. People would avoid the highways for short trips but I doubt many would for longer trips. Time is money they say.
This is bit expensive

perhaps teh $5 is a bit steep, but the knowledge of where the money is going to seriously eases that concern for me. The 407 being a for profit company its a bit harder to swallow paying their outrageous rates. So would this all be electronically done as well? Where would the entry points for the tolling be located? ... it could be quite chaotic as cheap people try to bail off the highway and take a surface route to avoid the toll!

To me this would be and extra $200.00 per month as my workplace relocated from FCP to the Gordon Baker Rd.
Anyone who lives in TO and has a car already pays extra $60.00 for sticker, so I am unsure that this will get any vote from majority of folks living here.
Generally speaking taking $1.00 monthly from your pay stub will generate more money and have less impact to many folks who live in GTA.
It will also, in my mind, be more equal contribution from all of us regardless if we use DVP, Gardiner or 401.

to Ed's idea... ideally yes, but I'm not sure if the Gardiner is long enough to work it that way (thats why I asked where the start point of the tolls would be - at the 427? at the Humber Bridge?) Also I think it assumed that the vast majority of people using the highway have "downtown" as their destination anyway, maybe not as much the case with the DVP.

I think a variation on Ed's and UD's idea - charged by mileage say to a ceiling of $50 would be a good idea, otherwise you are unfairly penalizing people who use the highways to go about their daily lives.. to go shopping and such, you would likely just end up pushing them onto surface routes to avoid the toll rather than onto public transit. (think of someone who lives at Eglinton/DVP and shops at Fairview Mall a few times a week would incur charges of $30 - a crude example but I think you can see my point)

as usual with these kinds of proposals, the devil is in the details...
I also think a pedestrian toll should apply to sidewalks. $1/mile? Would only apply for major streets needing new sidewalks etc.

That would in turn encourage transit use, for cheap people like me that like to walk (miles) everywhere. Otoh, it would still be cheaper for me to walk to the Drake from Keele and Bloor than take transit.
