Our love of 'big government' (the overtaxed nanny state, so to speak) causes commercialism here to function in the same way that a union causes a manufacturing plant to (low efficiency, higher cost with smaller return, and little motivation or initiative on the part of the workers), the result of too many rules and regulations combined with the lack of incentive that arises from the generous safety net we provide to all through taxation and regulation.
a) Taxation for most residents in Canada is on par with many US states - can we
please stop pretending otherwise? We just get much more for our money, that's all. That's a sign that our government is working, and quite well. The 'over-taxed nanny state' phrase makes you sound utterly clueless (at best).
b) The link between supposed lackluster business environment and 'generous safety net' is laughably tenuous here. What, we'll take welfare instead of work?
It is part of our very value system to distrust commercialism, free enterprise, and individualism as far too 'American' and instead to place our faith in bigger government, bureaucracy and legislation which we believe implicitly will know better than we do as individuals what is best for us and how to spend our money. Either that or Canadians are just inveterately crappy business people and should stick to hewing wood and drawing water which I do not believe.
a) Our government as a portion of GDP has been
shrinking. The size of the US government is
increasing, with the military budget and the homeland security growing steadily. There is no less bureaucracy in the US governments. However, instead of providing benefits to citizens, it uses the collected tax to strip more and more civil liberties and also to help finance some very expensive wars (and it doesn't seem to be stopping with Obama). How this is supposed to be individualism, I'll never know.
b) Our social safety net is less than the vast majority of industrialized nations, excepting the US because they choose to spend their money elsewhere.
c) Finally, the Europeans tend to have some of the most productive and innovative of enterprises, and they tend to have
far more generous benefits than this supposed over-taxed nanny state.