How much per hour does a Canadian Steel Worker get paid? I'm curious i'd love to walk up high on steel with my steel-toed boots. I need another job; my day job is boring me....I like to look down on salarypeople too--makes me feel all smug and smarter
btw, downtown T.O is due for a large photo tour--by me or someone else?
You will change your tune after a few days doing this.
In the $30/hr plus holiday paid and benefits. Can earn between $30,000 to $60,000 with overtime if you can get it.
It not easy working up in the air as you think.
I remember the first time I had too go up as management and it took some doing. Slide along the beam on my ass until I could get the nerve up to try waking the beam flange. Only have 6-12'' walking area until the decking is place.
Working outside in this weather is not nice or in the rain. If you only work haft a day because of weather, you get paid haft a day.
If you workout out 720 hall, it can many days, weeks between jobs with no pay coming in.
Not many steel fabricators around today since concrete became king of construction. Some have their own crew well others hire out of the hall or hire an independent erection crew. Rebar is where the work is.
When you get paid, all your holiday pay will be included, so you will have to bank it away for your holiday trip later in the year.
Remember, its along way down and a fast way down if you are not tie off or have you mind on the job.
Go and talk to some of the iron workers and hear what they have to say first hand. You will need training before you get near a site.
You need good nerve and have no fear of heights to be an iron worker.