Critical dates? You should have just received an update from Concert on a revised occupancy date. Is that what you mean?
Yes, I have received a notice on the 'final tentative occupancy date'. However, as per Tarion, the builder should have provided a statement of critical dates. These are the dates that the builder must complete the unit by. Usually there's an 'inside occupancy date' and and 'outside occupancy date'. The Statement of Critical Dates is part of the Tarion Delayed Occupancy/Closing Warranty Form which must be attached to all agreements of purchase and sale for newly built condominium units and freehold homes. For some reason these documents are not included with my agreement of purchase and sale.
If 400WellingtonGuy can pull the contract, you'll have a precise answer. I had pulled the contract back in February to double check the critical dates.

We have it as a one page schedule in the package. It is on the same page that had your original tentative occupancy date.

As I recall the Outside Occupancy Date is either in 2015 or 2016. It was so far in the future, I dismissed the exact date as completely irrelevant as this stage.

Not to worry anyone but the builder has one more opportunity to change the occupancy date by setting a "Firm Occupancy Date". If the builder can't meet the final occupancy date, 120 before that date, they can set a final occupancy date and this date, if not met, has financial penalties that are incurred daily.

Considering the confidence in the final tentative occupancy letter, they seem committed to meet the dates they set. I think if they were worried about meeting them, they've built in some flexibility by saying that the amenities will all be complete; I think/hope they'd complete any unfinished units before finishing the amenities and maintain the dates provided.
Berczy has been the fastest project being built in Toronto, no doubt about it. This project was not even released 3 years ago. to be more exact it was May 2010 and it got sold out just in 6 months, something never seen in Toronto. Purchasers should be more than happy with this project which is amazing, probably the best investment ever. Don`t worry about critical dates
For me on the 8th floor, the statement of critical dates:

First Tentative - Aug 3, 2012
Outside Occupancy Date - December 15, 2015
Notice Period for Occupancy delay - May 4, 2012
Purchasers Termination Period - January 14, 2016

As mentioned earlier, somewhat irrelevant.
Maybe that will give them time to actually finish the job, their current dates were still not realistic. They are probably thanking those strikers!
Been following this thread with great interest as I have a unit in the building. Just a quick thank you to all who have taken the time to post photos, I have enjoyed seeing the progress.
I just received the email notification of the delay as well. They are estimating at least a 45 day delay (was supposed to be Sept 20th). Question to all the experts here is this realistic? I was considering putting my current unit on the market in mid June I feel this may to early now. I bought my current unit preconstruction as well and was renting prior to that so never worried about having to sell, this will be the first time I have ever had to sell a condo before and I realize that timing is critical...So confused right now
Congrats, smcgaw! A great project and an amazing location (hence why it sold out quickly). People that move to the SLN seem to stay put in my experience.

With regards to listing your condo...give yourself a 4 month buffer (2 months to sell it and 2 months for closing). It's never an easy decision, and many people have to live in temporary accomodations or own two places at the same time (which is easy and not as bad as it sounds)!

Best of luck and enjoy your new unit at the Berczy! I have a "thing" for black window mullions, so I will continue to take pics as I'm walking by lol :p
Been following this thread with great interest as I have a unit in the building. Just a quick thank you to all who have taken the time to post photos, I have enjoyed seeing the progress.
I just received the email notification of the delay as well. They are estimating at least a 45 day delay (was supposed to be Sept 20th). Question to all the experts here is this realistic? I was considering putting my current unit on the market in mid June I feel this may to early now. I bought my current unit preconstruction as well and was renting prior to that so never worried about having to sell, this will be the first time I have ever had to sell a condo before and I realize that timing is critical...So confused right now

Make sure you review the purchaser's agreemeent prior to listing your unit for sale. Concert often does not permit "assignment" sales and there is likely language to that point within your contract.
