News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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Is there a new article in the globe and mail about yorkville. "The centre of sophistication,,,,, " bloor yorkville has it on their Facebook page but no link to the article.
Thanks for the help.
They have a photo of the page on Facebook. It's an ad of some kind (hard to tell completely). I don't think the ad has the news of the new retailers. I just think the BIA is noting what the area is being called, and telling people to stay tuned.

I can check the physical paper when I get home this evening. There is nothing in the online edition. And Globe2Go is too much of an ordeal.
First Capital has filed permits to demolish 102+104 Yorkville Ave.

I suppose this means South Street's going to be moving...not that I'm that big on their burgers...
Looks like Williams-Sonoma Bloor Street will be closing mid-January, according to the email I got.
Also, Prada has applied to re-clad its shop on Bloor, to coincide with the second floor expansion.

Application: Building Additions/Alterations Status: Not Started

Location: 131 BLOOR ST W

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 16 270225 BLD 00 BA Accepted Date: Dec 22, 2016

Project: Retail Store Re-Roofing/Re-Cladding

Description: Proposal to reclad the front of the building on the frist and second floor for "Prada"
William-Ashley is moving to the Colonnade (probably to make room for Eataly). Does anyone know how much of Manulife, exactly, is Eataly taking over? Will Indigo need to move too?
They said it would be 50,000 square feet.

So basically, the entire floor, excluding Indigo? And where in the Colonnade is WA moving, anyway? Old Sephora store?
Eately will be on the second floor where BMO currently offices. It will have a street front entrance where Jacob was and a concourse level access point as well. I don't think the William Ashley's move is due to Eately specifically (i.e. Eately isn't taking that space). It is more likely that WA is moving to a smaller store and the Manulife Centre would prefer breaking up their current store (24,000 square feet) into a few smaller boutiques. The only open space at the Colonnade is part of the old Sephora spot, which is about 3,900 square feet. WA could be seriously downsizing (a lot of their business is wedding registries) OR the Sephora spot is underneath the 12,000 square foot Herzig Eye Institute. It's possible that there could be a reconfiguration of some of that space, with William Ashley having a main floor entrance where Sephora was which leads to a second floor spot which would over look Victoria college.
Eately will be on the second floor where BMO currently offices. It will have a street front entrance where Jacob was and a concourse level access point as well. I don't think the William Ashley's move is due to Eately specifically (i.e. Eately isn't taking that space). It is more likely that WA is moving to a smaller store and the Manulife Centre would prefer breaking up their current store (24,000 square feet) into a few smaller boutiques. The only open space at the Colonnade is part of the old Sephora spot, which is about 3,900 square feet. WA could be seriously downsizing (a lot of their business is wedding registries) OR the Sephora spot is underneath the 12,000 square foot Herzig Eye Institute. It's possible that there could be a reconfiguration of some of that space, with William Ashley having a main floor entrance where Sephora was which leads to a second floor spot which would over look Victoria college.

Wherever they go it should be almost ready, since their website indicates they will open at the Colonnade in February.
