Talk to TTC or any transit system and they will tell you that there will be sections of the line that will see little or no riders that you cannot change a schedule to deal with low numbers. There are routes that will start with very low ridership at one or both end that will see ridership increase moving to the centre. I can give a long list of routes that see very few riders at the start of it, but no plans on doing so as others should be looking at this.
Some routes may see an increase of headway off peak while other remain the same toward the end of service. You see this on TTC subway system today let alone years ago.
It is very common to have various routes drivers doing overtime due to lack of drivers or the spare board is empty and that adds to the bottom line for buses.
TTC will tell you that service level is based on the peak point and this applies to other systems.
What some systems including TTC will do is run max headway between C-T and loop vehicles at those locations with headway increasing either for the rest of the line or the next loop with headway become longer. Dufferin 29 is a good example of this and many more out there.
This can be done for buses and LRT. I have seen some systems that run 2-3 car trains cut off a car at the end station to deal with the lack of riders or stop at a station on line to be turn back with the following train continue on to the other stations.
One of the biggest complaint TTC had to handle was short turning of vehicles to get drivers back on schedule or the fill the large gap caused by X. Look at any CEO report in the last 3 years and you will see short turning is very small these days regardless of COVID-19.
Riders themselves play a large part in bunching or gaps caused by many things and they are the first to bitch.
You need look route by route that carries 35,000 plus riders to see which is the best technology to use not only for today 20-50 years down the road.
There are roads in the city that can handle an elevated line, but there is no ridership now or down the road to justify building it or even an LRT.
People are so hung up that speed is needed to get a few riders to the downtown when it not where they are going in the first place.
I have said time after time one needs to walk, cycle, ride transit as well drive to understand what is on the street now and try to vision what could be on the street 20-50 years from now to say X should be built. There are roads I have done this on and other that I may have driven on it without paid no attention to it as it wasn't on my radar at the time.
At this time, its illegal to operate a triple articulated bus in NA or even a DD articulated. Only rode a triple articulated bus in 2 places in Europe and they were the only place I saw of them out of 26 cities I visited. Saw one DD articulated bus in Amsterdam as a tour bus and the only one I every saw.
System are made up of many networks on will only work base on the weakest ones.