Landscape Revitalization
Over the past year, the BIA Board has been studying ways to revitalize Parliament, Carlton and Gerrard within our boundaries. With the help of a grant from the City of Toronto, we commissioned David Orsini of Sunarts Design to do a review of our facilities and to make recommendations for renewal.
He’s suggested ways to enhance the identity and character of our neighbourhood, to make it more pleasant, to draw people here and to make it safer and more comfortable for them to linger. His special interest in a greener, sustainable environment has lead to new ideas for tree plantings and for places where we can sit and watch the street life around us. True to Cabbagetown’s history, he was directed to make his plans inclusive, to welcome everyone into our shops and streets.
Some of his suggestions can be undertaken immediately and some are aimed at a longer term.
When these changes happen, they will be sponsored and paid for by local businesses. Obviously, we cannot afford huge capital projects so our recommendations will also be tied into programs and projects approved by the City.
With a plan like this, we can give a vision and a sense of direction to others so we pull together to achieve a common goal.
Please review the plan. Please send us your reactions. Look especially at the places close to you which you know best. Make sure that you approve of the ideas that David is suggesting.