News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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Now that I've been using protected cycle lanes for a few years now, I'm feeling like any bike lane that is just a white painted strip is mostly useless. It needs to be protected to really be effective.

White painted strip bike lanes are super useful in rural areas where it helps define the shoulder and keeps the cars in the middle of the road. Especially when the shoulders are wide and cleaned of gravel regularly. In an urban area with parking at the curb, lots of signals and stops, lots of curb cuts, they are pretty useless.
The orange temp fencing on the lower deck of Centre Street Bridge has been replaced with metal mesh fencing ziptied to the existing roadway barriers. Amazing what an upgrade it is, visually; in terms of the space available; and in that it won't fall over in the wind. Hopefully this means that the bike+ped opening will remain for some time.
The city is again looking for citizen engagement in regards to the marda loop main street project, specifically for the potential bike infrastructure on 34th ave. I encourage everyone to "engage". Lets get a proper bike lane built in marda!

The city is again looking for citizen engagement in regards to the marda loop main street project, specifically for the potential bike infrastructure on 34th ave. I encourage everyone to "engage". Lets get a proper bike lane built in marda!

Done. Looks like they're hoping to start construction in 2023 🤞
It looks like they also updated the date to fall 2021 to complete the detailed design (clock is ticking). The Engage webpage had said spring 2021 up until yesterday, so I expect that means we might see some more information on the streetscape design in the (relative) near term.
Liking the extension of 12 Ave bike lane through Sunalta, much better than risking my life on 11St so far. Not a big fan of how the "bike lane" exists just north of the tracks when connecting from the river pathway, still a bit of work to do there I think.
That section definitely needs work to better connect to the river pathway.
Now that I've been using protected cycle lanes for a few years now, I'm feeling like any bike lane that is just a white painted strip is mostly useless. It needs to be protected to really be effective.
100% agree. They're better than nothing, but not much better IMO. The ones I can't stand are the bike route chevrons, I'm pretty sure half of the drivers out there don't even know what they're for.
The city is again looking for citizen engagement in regards to the marda loop main street project, specifically for the potential bike infrastructure on 34th ave. I encourage everyone to "engage". Lets get a proper bike lane built in marda!

I'm curious what everyone's thoughts are on the proposals. I can't imagine too many people on this forum would prefer the Bike Boulevard Option, but interested what everyone thinks about the Multi-Use Path Option vs. the One Way Cycle Track Option. I think my preference is the Multi-Use Path Option, but imagine cyclists would prefer to limit interactions with pedestrians.
I would like to see 34th all the way down to 14th, and then a cycle lane down 14th. A cycle lane down 14th is probably a pipe dream, but one can still dream :)
I'd like them to eliminate the traffic and parking in the righthand southbound lane on 14th St SW between 17th Ave SW and Riverview Park (38th Ave SW), and replace it with a two-way cycle track. Much of this section of 17th Ave has parking/stopping restrictions during the weekday rush hour already, which people do not always follow, so there is already disruptions to traffic as people have to change lanes to avoid parked vehicles. I actually think eliminating the lane/parking and replacing it with a two-way cycle track would improve traffic flow, because it would eliminate lane changes/merges, and the remaining lane could probably be widened a bit, as the two-way cycle track probably wouldn't need to be the full width of the lane, although maybe it would if it was protected (which would be the preferred option). I also think this could improve southbound traffic at the 14th St SW & 17th Ave SW intersection, as the righthand lane would be right turns only, and the centre lane would be through traffic only.

Eliminating traffic/parking in the righthand northbound lane on 14th St SW would also be a good option, and perhaps a better option since there are fewer laneway entrances where cars would cross the cycle track (there are a number of businesses on the west side of 14th Street SW). I just thought the southbound lane would be a better option because it would eliminate the need for cyclists to cross 14th St SW at 34 Ave SW.

I think the challenge would be determining where cyclists go once you get to 17th St SW.
