Someone mentioned in another thread that it was labour shortage, but I’m betting it’s also materials shortage. The modern 5/1 that we see in Calgary is being built everywhere in NA and Europe, and many are using these same materials.
Mural going up on the east side of the building which is a nice touch

Great spot for a mural!
On walls like this, and where there are other murals, there use to be advertising; when I say this I think of old warehouse brick buildings with painted advertising. It's interesting that murals have taken their place, both for BUMP and this one which seems to be building owner commissioned.
The "Daycare opening soon" sign seems to indicate we will not be getting a brewpub with a patio out onto the adjacent park, as the initial vision first had :(
To be fair, daycares are a close second to brewpubs in importance to being a functional, healthy neighbourhood. You literally cannot have too many of either :)
The murals are starting to get played out. A big giant LED billboard on the side would've done wonders with proper advertisements (not Realtors). Given the backup on the 5th ave flyover during traffic time, it would've been a prime spot. Plus, billboards can add vibrance during nighttime.
