I am starting to think the province isn't particularly interested in building the Green line, at least not the downtown part.
As more info leaks out, their goal seems to have been to meet the communication's objective, not build an actual train line. Their objective was complete when they drafted their consultant report that says "more trains for the same price". It was kind of irrelevant whether the thing is buildable, certain, costed reasonably etc. To their restraint it's a reasonably plausible line with the cost advantages that come from elevated, but ultimately it's a $2.5M version of an alignment of something we'd come up with in the Transit Fantasy thread. Turns out we all are good enough to get to 5% design completion
This is starting to remind me of how the Province previously had a communication's goal as the whole point on some issues. All those "blue ribbon" panels of government-friendly experts that got together for a few million in consulting dollars, then announced their findings that just happen to agree with the government's existing positions, so now they can use it as a political communications talking point.
My bet is the sides are too far apart to resolve this - not just in what they want, but in what their objectives. I think the SE to Victoria Park is what we end up with, with some future project spinning up once the dust settles to take another run at the downtown connection years into the future.