Thanks for the renderings, not bad at all! But not tall enough to have 850 units! Unless they are really small units
Thanks for the renderings, not bad at all! But not tall enough to have 850 units! Unless they are really small units
It looks like 14 units per floor ( going off off 7 balconies visible on 2 sides of the building). I counted 30 floors of balconies, and with two identical buildings that would yield 840 units.
If you look closely at the third render there, it seems that the project has been renamed "Residences on Tenth" :)
A minor Beltline ARP amendment is going to CPC on Thursday related to this project. Pretty minor, but gives some indication about the building design. It is a request to allow the floor plate of the towers to increase from the currently allows 930 square meters to 1,000 square meters. This may explain how they are getting so many units into towers of this height. Report is here:

A bit more information and background in the applicants submission here, including some massing diagrams and basic renderings:
