General rating of the project

  • Great

    Votes: 11 26.8%
  • Good

    Votes: 24 58.5%
  • So so

    Votes: 6 14.6%
  • Not Very Good

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I got a chance to see this up close and personal. The glazing looks fantastic. I was impressed by the spandrel, it's a typical gray color but elegant looking, and not very noticeable. The aluminum paneling looks like it's higher quality also. Should be good when finished.

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The glazing looks better and better. The grey aluminum doesn't work with the glazing. It looks cheap and, I agree, it probably isn't cheap.
Sweet Jesus, yes.
Hi Group,
Have Condo Sales come a Long Way Yet to justify Construction of the 2nd Bldg?

I would be surprised if they were. That said, locations along the Bow River do a bit better than the average condo sales, but the market is flat right now.
The second building has not been opened up for sale. Still plenty of units available in the first building. Remember these are luxury condos .... $900 K plus!
Hi Again,
There Was a Topic in the Herald (Jan 6th) About Condo/Apt Sales Being Flat as Such. Something to do with Tax Assements I Believe,

New condo sales are indeed flat and a lot of these buildings went ahead with minimal presales. Ironically, Lamb may up a winner of sorts having to cancel his project for never meeting his high 75% sold target. It wouldn't take much to absorb the unsold inventory either and condo sales could very well heat up in the spring/summer.
New condo sales are indeed flat and a lot of these buildings went ahead with minimal presales. Ironically, Lamb may up a winner of sorts having to cancel his project for never meeting his high 75% sold target. It wouldn't take much to absorb the unsold inventory either and condo sales could very well heat up in the spring/summer.
You might be right about the market heating up later. Still condo units available out there, but no new sales centres for the prosed projects. The newer buildings or the ones u/c will slowly fill up and then there will be some demand. It'll be interesting to see which proposal opens a sales centre first.
With Orchard being cancelled, I can’t think of any condo proposals out there other than Arris (5th and 3rd) and Tower two of Avenue.
With Orchard being cancelled, I can’t think of any condo proposals out there other than Arris (5th and 3rd) and Tower two of Avenue.

- Elbow River Casino proposal (3 towers)
- 12 Avenue (3 towers)
- 1520 (Mission Towers - 2 towers)
- Sovereign (2 towers, I think)
- Park Point North
- Minto Bridgeland
- Minto Sunnyside
- 104 13 Ave (2 towers)
- Citizen Tower
- Vibe

Probably a couple more.
Good question. Something will be built on the site maybe even by Lamb.
