They do provide this through those quarterly APTA report - your summary is correct. Calgary vastly outperforms on light rail, but has long been underwhelming for regular bus traffic. Winnipeg - hardly a transit friendly city - has about the same bus ridership as Calgary with our extra 500,000 people, greater density and more centralized employment clusters. Some of this is the LRT taking ridership away from a hypothetical bus, but we should be having better ridership even then.
The other trend we are weird on is how bus ridership is not the majority. People underestimate how crucial the bus network is to major cities. Vancouver and Toronto, for all their quality rail infrastructure, still see substantial majority of their ridership from buses.
Calgary needs to act on some of the good plans we have for buses - keep pushing this primary transit skeletal network, actually solve downtown bus congestion with dedicate lanes, make busses competitive to driving between major destination through making them faster and with fewer stops.
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