I never paid attention to the height of this one, but it's going to be very noticeable at 37 storeys.

^Based on that newer render posted by Surreal and looking at the set back in the construction photos I think you're correct that the tower is starting.

Why do you "fear" this ?
Did you want a higher podium ?
i fear it may be just one level, even if its two thats another wasted opportunity. at least its not parking.
At this point, I'm just thrilled this is actually getting built! I'd love to critique the design, but literally anything is better than the crater we had for 10+ years...
What's with all the hate on one or two level podiums? I think this tower actually looks decent in the renderings. I like the white and black podium, has a chic kind of vibe. Materials will be the make or break of this one.
The podium style is sort of similar to the "Guardian" towers. Although in this tower's rendering, the all glass from top to bottom does make it seem much better.
I agree, if they can execute the rendering with the right materials, then this one should be a win. Its not your 9 or 10/10 design but its definitely better than a hole sitting there for another 10 years.
