Senior Member
Will be cool when it passes through the Welland Canal. I'm sure someone will film it and post it online.
My guess is another glass box condo with a pedesterian path along the water's edge.Has anyone read what, if any, plans there are for updating and integrating the Yonge St. slip into the central waterfront? It seems I've read some ideas/plans from Waterfront Toronto, but can't find anything on it.
It is public space (City owned) and a park is planned. I cannot remember ever seeing plans/renderings but if they exist I bet someone here will let us know. Its construction may be dependent on completion of Pier 27 and it will, I assume, offer access to the walkway to the south of that building.My guess is another glass box condo with a pedesterian path along the water's edge.
re: Plans
None announced yet - recall that the public (City/WT?) only owns a relatively limited strip, not really sufficient to build anything other than a public space of some kind. Some megagigantic, iconic public art piece that you can see from anywhere (i.e. the Islands AND from Yonge) would be great.
I think Douglas Coupland would be perfect. Something on the scale (perhaps even larger than) his Digital Orca? It should be tall enough to go above the Gardiner from the Yonge St. - and perhaps it can coupled with a redo of the stretch of Gardiner along the view axis.
I love that idea Alvin. Toronto has far too few sculptures. The foot of Yonge needs something that would become as iconic as Cloud Gate is to Chicago. A pier out into the harbour with some sort of large sculpture would be great. It would be visible from up Yonge, from those taking the ferry to the islands and possibly from the islands themselves in our skyline shot.
Not a bad idea either - a row of fountains along Yonge leading to the slip would be great too (taking into account the increased ROW). How about that, underwater fountains at the slip, and a major sculputural art piece at the edge of the lake. That would make a statement.